These days parents are wary of what their kids get in Halloween bags, especially if it’s something Christian. If it’s suspect, like loosely wrapped homemade brownies given by the hippie commune down the street, or a tract with a smiling Jesus, it gets thrown away. But here’s a novel idea: The Cootie Catcher (sanctified version).
You remember those Cootie Catchers don’t you? Little boys and girls everywhere would write out their fortunes and whatever came up, that was their future, like having to marry little Billy, the kid with the funny nose, etc. On this evangelistic version every “fortune” that kids (or parents) read gives a very clear—and scary—Gospel presentation.
Here’s the “fortune” under the symbols for “road” and “heart” on the Cootie Catcher:
Did you get road or heart?
The latest data available shows that the 7th leading cause of death in the United States is motor vehicle accidents… in other words, dying on the road in an auto accident. The road symbol is there to remind you that every 12 minutes someone dies in a car accident, and the next time you get in your car you may actually be climbing into your coffin. The heart symbol reminds us that statistically heart failure or disease is the number one cause of death. So why are we talking about death? Because it is the ultimate statistic: 10 out of 10 people die. And the Bible says that after death you will face God’s judgment.
Most people don’t think about it much. They figure that since they live a good life they will probably go to Heaven when they die. The way to find out if that is true is to judge yourself according to God’s standards, the 10 Commandments. Have you ever lied, stolen, or used God’s name in vain? If you have that makes you a “liar,” a “thief” and a “blaphemer.” If you’re guilty you will be condemned to Hell. But God sent Jesus to take your punishment for you. Repent and trust in Christ, and you will be saved.
This Cootie Catcher really puts the “Hell” back in Helloween! Click here to get the free download.
Ray St Pierre
Steve Sanchez
Dale in Tx