Battleground: DMV, Part 1

Inspired by “Righteous Richard” Chavarria’s recent assault at the Hawthorne Department of Motor Vehicles I grabbed two members of my early Tuesday men’s group for protection, and headed down to preach to the crowd standing in line this morning. The unexpected happened…

Shane Griffin and Jeff Simmons would “prime the line” by handing out Gospel tracts before I preached.

They handed them out in this order: Million Dollar Bills first, then the “Will your good outweigh your bad?” tracts in English and Spanish next.

Nearly every one of the 60 to 80 people in line took the tracts. In fact, one man was sitting in his car, reading aloud the “Good Person Test” to a friend on his Bluetooth.

When would the trouble begin? “Righteous Richard” never expected that lady to come out of the line and start bopping him on the head last week. Would I get it today?

The crowd seemed at peace. No one had yet yelled or screamed at the “tractors” passing out the precious Gospel literature…

I started to preach. “Ladies and gentlemen. I’m thankful that you are here standing in line at the DMV instead of at your bank…”

See the guy in the black shirt on the right? I think he started it. It took me unawares. I was blind-sided. I certainly didn’t expect this to happen… (Click here for Part 2 to find out what drama befell me.)

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  1. Reply

    Alright…Between the anticipation of your follow up post and The Way of The Master’s “BIG news tomorrow, I’m not gunna sleep a wink tonight!!

    Look forward to the second half.

  2. Paul Latour


    Lemme guess:

    The guy in the black shirt was an alien from outer space who had you transported onto his mothership where alien angel-like beings probed you like they did with Todd Bentley and inadvertantly sucked out the evangelistic message part of your brain and were instantly converted before sending you back and zooming home to planet Zeebleborp to spread the good news to their fellow Borpians.


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