An Appeal to Caesar

Who says you can’t fight city hall? Or the police department? Well, it’s not going to be a fight exactly, but I am planning to go to “the powers that be” and inform them of my First Amendment rights when it comes to handing out Gospel tracts. Since Hope Chapel is starting a 1 Million

Guest E-vangies: Do-it-Yourself

This is from an on-fire student, Natalie Foley, who is currently taking my evangelism class.

At my first class of “Sharing Your Faith Without Fear” I took my million-dollar bill Gospel tracts with me to Home Depot where I was ordering appliances. null The mild-mannered young clerk, “Reggie,” led me to the special services desk to schedule the installation date. When a co-worker joined him behind the counter I pulled out the million dollar bills and asked, “Did you guys get one of these yet?” They took them politely, then set them down while they continued working. Then they ran into a problem ringing up my order and called for “Maria,” a supervisor, who promptly arrived. When “Maria” saw the million dollar bills on the counter she picked one up and said, “What’s this?” nullBefore I could answer she turned it over and started reading the questions on the back. In a very loud voice and mocking manner she began reading the gospel tract on the back of the bill. Did I mention she was reading it very loudly and that this was only the second time I attempted to hand out million dollar bills? Everyone within a 20′ perimeter could hear “Maria” reading God’s Word.

First “Maria” began reading out loud, “If you died tonight would you go to heaven or hell?” Then she looked at me, laughing