Evangelism Schedule

Hour of Power” (H.O.P.) every Friday 5:15-6:15. Meet at Hope Chapel at 5pm. And then we’ll go down to Pier Ave. for one hour to evangelize.
P.I.E. (Pizza, Intercession, Evangelism)

This Saturday Nov.4- Incursions to various places in the South Bay (Walmart, Starbucks, In N’ Out Burger, etc.)

Saturday Nov.11- See Ray Comfort open-air preach at the Huntington Pier (if he is town) Meet at Hope at noon. Leave at 12:15 sharp! Alternate: Veteran’s Day Memorial service at Veteran’s park, then go to Redondo Beach Pier.

SUNDAY NOV. 12- Tract Trek 3. Meet at Steve Sanchez’ home at 2:00pm, eat pizza, pray, then walk on down to the Redondo Pier at 3:00 to hand out Gospel tracts and share our faith until 5:00pm.

Martyrs: North Korean Christians

“If you believe in God, you go to Heaven when you die. If you don’t, you go to North Korea.” Pastor Lee, a former prisoner of North Korea There is a spiritual war taking place in North Korea as our enemy seeks to destroy the souls of North Korea’s citizens. Millions have starved to death

Happy All Saints Day!

The festival of All Saints, is a feast celebrated in their honor. All Saints Day is also a Christian formula invoking all the faithful saints and martyrs, known or unknown. But best of all, it’s my little daughter Laurel’s fifth birthday! Tell someone that when they are born-again, they are considered by God to be