Guest E-vangies: Small World!

My friend from Kentucky, Danny Allen, whom I met at the Hollywood Blvd. Evangelism Bootcamp several months ago, where we got chased by crazed Scientologist security guards, (see Hollywood Babble-On, Parts 1,2 & 3)sent me this. It is an unusual E-vangie Tale… Last night I had the privilege to witness to Mark in my “fishing


A Bakersfield teenager was killed by a train when she stopped to help a friend who had tripped on the tracks, sheriff’s officials said. Brittany Loise Juilfs, 15, and five friends were trying to beat the train when one of the teenagers fell, according to the Kern County coroner’s office. She was in the eastern

God’s Wonderful Plan!

I will be taking the next few days off from blogging to be with my family and to celebrate my wife’s birthday on the 24th. So until Monday, please check out this web page from Living Waters and watch the free videos that are offered to help you with your evangelism efforts. I especially enjoyed