I have spent 12 years crab fishing on the Bering sea of Alaska (the most dangerous job in the world), repossessed cars in L.A. for two years, and have been a Private Investigator for over 20,(specializing in surveillance, fatality airplane crashes, and homicides). I have been shipwrecked for days at sea with no water, attacked by elephants in Africa, where I lived with different tribes during the years that I was there.
null I’ve survived multiple motorcycle and auto accidents. I am a B licensed skydiver. I’m also a scuba instructor and have dived with great white sharks. I often go on expeditions to spear 400+ pound fish over deep oceanic pinnacles. I have rapelled down into the deepest cave in the United States, where I spent days exploring underground…

Captain America Dead at 66

Time magazine reported that Marvel Superhero Capt. America was assassinated on his way to court where he was scheduled to talk about civil liberties. Will he ever return again to defend all that is right in the U.S.A.? “He’s very dead right now,” Publisher Dan Buckley answered. –I sure hope Batman had the opportunity to

Sudden Death: Carbon Monoxide!

These articles found in various periodicals are not meant to be amusing or fun. They are written with the intention of reminding us of the brevity of life, the randomness of death, and the finality of eternity. Five people were found dead inside a southwest Miami-Dade County home, probably victims of carbon monoxide poisoning, police

FOUNDations: Pascal’s Wager

This is a classic apologetic from the great 17th century French mathematician, physicist and philosopher, Blaise Pascal:

1. If God does not exist, and I believe that He exists—I lose nothing.

2. If God does not exist, and I don’t believe that He exists—I lose nothing. (Atheist)

3. If God exists, and I believe that He exists—I gain everything.

4. If God exists, and I don’t believe that He exists— I lose everything. (Atheist)
null Essentially, Pascal is asking the reader, “Within the context of eternity, which is the safest of the following propositions?” The only winning position is #3.
—From William J. Tsamis,

Who is Blaise Pascal and what is this Wager all about?