Elvis-Led Worship!

As you have read on this blog, I take the Western church to task for its lack of evangelistic zeal. But I have just discovered a great new site that uncovers everything that’s wrong with American Christianity. It’s called and the stuff it features shows how far we have fallen as a nation from worshiping the One True God.

Since Christians don’t share their faith anymore, churches must come up with new, exciting —abhorrent—gimmicks to attract the crowds.

Here’s a sample I found of an Elvis impersonator leading a concregation (choir and all) in a classic hymn. The wrath of God is indeed being revealed…

Comments (3)

  1. Paul Latour


    A sad statement on the state of the church in the States AND Canada, for we have our own brand of tacky enetertainment style gimmickery in feeble attempts to attract the “un-churched” up here. This must be some kind of shared cross-border disease.

    Whatever happened to preaching the gospel truth in churches? No wonder we gotta hit the streets!

  2. Reply

    I took some time to check this Website out… I do think a lot of it is just silly such as underwear, weapons and lighters with Jesus’s Image on them, this stuff shouldnt exist.

    But I will say some of the stuff that they have listed on that site is quite ok and would help spread the message of God, whoever writes articles on that website is over-reacting on some products.

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