Why the 180 Movie giveaway was so important

In answering one of the many atheists who can’t fully understand why it was so important for us to get the 180 Movie into as many hands as possible, (per the giveaway at USC, where we handed out 2,000 copies),  I am posting this comment from my friend, Lindsey, with her permission as she answers this atheist’s assertions.

I am one of the 50% that you speak of that survived being born at 28 weeks.

My twin sister and I were 3 months early. I weighed 2lbs and my sister only 1lb. My dad’s wedding ring could fit down our arm. I do not refer to my sister nor myself as an “it” and with God’s grace we do not have ANY of the life long problems that you listed.

You also mention “many people simply do not have the financial resources to deal with kids with these problems.” My parents received donations from people she didn’t even know. I am thankful that my mother did not abort my sister and I.

We are not accidents and neither are you. God has a plan and a purpose for everyone. In your previous post you indicated that our planet can only support a finite number of people and we are rapidly approaching that limit. I recently lost my baby at 19 weeks and it was not an abortion. I would give anything to still be pregnant right now and add my baby to the billions of this earth. Abortion is murder no matter how you look at it.

Did you know that w/ partial birth abortions there is a mechanism stuck into the baby’s brain to scramble it until it dies? If somebody did that to you or somebody else do you not call that murder? It is purely for selfish reasons to abort a baby. There are always other options.

Steve’s note: I was driving with a friend the other night to the movies when he told me a shocking truth: His mom told him a few years ago that she was going to abort him during her pregnancy. She was encountering many troubles in her marriage and other situations and didn’t think she could handle another child (she had several). She changed her mind, thankfully.

My good friend and I had a great time at the movies together.


Comments (20)

  1. Chris


    Let’s look at Lindsey’s “argument” shall we?

    [This comment has been edited for impolite content.]

  2. Hayzoose


    It’s great that “God’s grace” allowed you and your sister to not have any of the problems that those who are born prematurely often do have.

    EDIT: The rest of the comment has been expunged due to disrespect

    • Lindsey


      Hayzoose – It’s nice to know that you sarcastically agree that by God’s grace he allowed my sister and I to not have life long problems. I have no idea what disrespectful comment you have made about what has happened in my life but it saddens me to know that you have to belittle what has happened to me in order to make yourself feel better about your argument. I hope that some day you will understand what God’s grace truly means.

  3. Garrett


    Murder is the killing of a person.

    Fetuses are not people.

    We’ve explained to you countless times what qualifies you for personhood.

    Really don’t know what else you want me to do, Steve. Your argument is basically calling me a Nazi. That certainly isn’t swaying me.

  4. Christopher


    That’s a lie Steve. You censored my comment because it disproved your point.

  5. Christopher


    @ Hayzoose

    It wasn’t impolite. I dared to use the dreaded “P” word and the “R” word. That’s the excuse Steve’s using to censor my post instead of admitting his argument is simply poor.

  6. Christopher


    At this point I’ll call it quits. I can’t see the point in posting on a forum administered by someone who behaves like this.

  7. Kostya


    Would you guys PLEASE pack your stuff that is all your arrogant and selfish comments etc and leave pastor Steve alone! Why not to go to some other site or something and to do all your bickering there? Pastor Steve has so many responsibilities other than to cater to your comments

    • Reply

      Thanks Kostya. It’s ok.

      When you were in college didn’t you find fun things to do that were sometimes a waste of time? This is just a way of passing time for most of these guys. When they graduate and get married, things will change.

      Or, of course, when they get saved, which is what we are all hoping.

      • Garrett

        Many of our members are married and the same age as you, Steve.

        Again, it’s nice to know we’re getting to you.

    • Hayzoose


      Leave him alone? Really? Yeah, I’m not out on street corners or at conventions or wherever hassling people with tracts, screaming through a PA system or anything like that.

    • BathTub


      Kostya, Steve has censored comments as tame as ‘why do you think this is good?’ It’s not what we are saying, it’s just stuff he can’t handle on the blog.

      And it takes more time to do what he’s doing than to not censor.

  8. BathTub


    Ah is this another one of those threads where we are prohibited from responding to comments made directly to us?

  9. Bizzle


    “Steve’s note: I was driving with a friend the other night to the movies when he told me a shocking truth: His mom told him a few years ago that she was going to abort him during her pregnancy. She was encountering many troubles in her marriage and other situations and didn’t think she could handle another child (she had several). She changed her mind, thankfully. ”

    Wow, just wow. I assume your friend no longer talks to his mother? I wouldn’t if I was told she wanted to abort me.

  10. Lindsey


    Hi Jim, – what do you have to say about what God has done in my life? I don’t think Steve will mind if you reply to my post as long as you are respectful to what I have said and don’t blaspheme the Lord. There are always going to be disagreements but it can be done with respect.

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