Evangelism this Saturday: Venice Beach

Join us for an exciting time where almost anything goes at Venice Beach. Meet at Hope Chapel Hermosa Beach at noon to car pool on Saturday. I don’t know if I’ll have the nerve to preach in front of the beer garden again where I got splashed in the face a few years back…But, hey! Anything goes in Venice Beach!

Comments (26)

  1. Rykunderground


    Oh noes, beer in the face, such persecution. As a side note I have been physically attacked for being an atheist, not harmed as I can defend myself, but violently assaulted by a pair of drunk Christians. I was also fired from a job after I told my Christian boss that I was an atheist and did not like being evangelised to. I know other atheists who have similar experiences yet we continue to publicly refuse to pretend to believe in superstition. You are not sure you are brave enough to risk beer in the face performing a mission on behalf of what you believe is a God. I risk my safety and livelihood simply for my personal integrity. Apparently atheists are not only “better thieves and liars” we are also better at being honest and brave.

    • Reply

      “As a side note I have been physically attacked for being an atheist, not harmed as I can defend myself, but violently assaulted by a pair of drunk Christians.”

      Something wrong with this picture?

      Would anyone bat an eye if they were drunk atheists? Course not. That would be consistent with their worldview.

      …drunkards will not inherit the kingdom of God. Conclusion: Not Christians. How many times do i have to repeat myself?

      • perdita

        Please explain why drunkenness is consistent with my world view.

        Conclusion: Not Christians.

        I also know Bible believing Christians (young earthers, too!) that drink beer, watch Packers, and truly believe they are Christian just as much as you do. They’re all about God and Jesus. If I ever see them again I’ll let them know you’ve decreed they aren’t legit.

      • perdita

        In their case, the beer drinking was more excessive than what I’m used too.

        Oh yes, how is drunkenness consistent with my worldview?

      • Nohm

        Hi Steve,

        You wrote: “Would anyone bat an eye if they were drunk atheists? Course not. That would be consistent with their worldview.

        I repeat again: atheism is not a worldview.

        I know of sober atheists, straight-edge atheists, and alcoholic atheists. I know of pro-choice atheists, and pro-life atheists. I know of democrat atheists, libertarian atheists, and republican atheists. I know of pro-communism atheists and pro-capitalist atheists. I know atheists who want to save the world and I know atheists who just want to be left alone.

        Atheism is not a worldview.

      • perdita

        Stated another way: Is drunkenness more akin to the biblical mandate or to one who has none?

        That doesn’t actually answer my question. Why is drunkenness consistent with my world view?

      • perdita

        Also, why can’t Christians be drunkards? Are you saying Christians have no problems with the flesh and never fail or sin? Are you saying that you and your fellow believers have already been perfected and are beyond sinning?

      • Nohm

        Steve asked: “Stated another way: Is drunkenness more akin to the biblical mandate or to one who has none?

        In word, or in deed?

        Because my answer would be “neither” or “either”, however you prefer it.

  2. rykunderground


    Way to miss the point, or more likely pretend yo miss it. Atheism is not a worldview at all it is a rejection of mythology. As such it niether condones nor rejects drunkeness. My worldbiew which is Epicurian rejects drunkeness, many atjeisys practice Humanism which rejects self destructibe behavior which would discourage drunkeness.

    Anyway their drunkeness was not objectionable due to their superstition it was because they were swinging pool cues and saying they wete going to punish me for “hatin’ Jesus”.

    You totally glossed over the gact that Christians in the US are not persevuyed they do the persecuting.

    • Reply

      Okay, okay. How ’bout bad spelling on iPhones?

      Way to miss the point, or more likely pretend yo miss it. Atheism is not a worldview at all it is a rejection of mythology. As such it niether condones nor rejects drunkeness. My worldbiew which is Epicurian rejects drunkeness, many atjeisys practice Humanism which rejects self destructibe behavior which would discourage drunkeness.

      Anyway their drunkeness was not objectionable due to their superstition it was because they were swinging pool cues and saying they wete going to punish me for “hatin’ Jesus”.

      You totally glossed over the gact that Christians in the US are not

      persevuyed they do the persecuting.

      • Rykunderground

        I did apologize for the typos my touch screen is a bit finicky and I was riding in a car at the time. However pointing out typos is not a rejection of my point, so I assume you either agree with me or are incapable of refuting my point.

        Yes the typos were terrible but so what really? Argument from ridicule is a fallacy.

      • BathTub

        And you apologised before Steve made his reply, I can’t wait till the next time Steve says he doesn’t answer questions because he’s too busy, but not to busy enough to go through and spell check your post and point out all the mistakes.

  3. Maturity Lessons Lacking


    Maybe he needs to have his mama there to whup him upside the head to train him how to politely interact with people.

    • Reply

      Which I do. This is just another tool in the box to help others see their desperate need for a Savior.

      Of course, I know most don’t see it that way.

  4. Nohm


    I’ll go on record again stating that I think throwing beer in someone’s face is the wrong way to accomplish a goal, and I don’t support anyone throwing beer in Steve’s face.

    • Reply

      Thanks Nohm. It was only water, though.

      And if an atheist stood up to do the same thing while I was there (though I don’t imbibe), I would consider it novel. I’d smile and enjoy what he had to say—like all those in this beer garden did when I preached that less-than-five-minute message.

      Then I’d chase him down and ask him a question. Guess what I’d ask?

      • BathTub

        Oh, oh, “Do you find being a jerk is an effective form of evangalism?”

      • Nohm

        “Have you read this yet?”, or a variation on that, is my guess.

  5. Rykunderground


    It is the very height of arrogance to believe that ones personal superstition is more important than civility towards others. The constitution protects your right to peddle your mythology in the streets, I do not dispute that and indeed would fight and die to defend that right. However having the right to do something does not make the doing, decent or respectable. I find this crude hawking of ancient myth to be vulgar and rude. I also find that those who feel justified in doing so are concieted and vain.

  6. Really?


    Steve is slavery okay?

    Because according to the bible it is okay.

    Exodus 21, and Leviticus 44

    Also are men more important than women?

    Because according to the bible men are more important.

    Genesis 3:16

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