Hollywood Anti-War Protest 2011, Pt. 2: Signs of the Times

There were protesters of every color at last week’s anti-war protest in Hollywood: from the Green Party, to Code Pink to the deep atheist red of the Communists.  (Read part 1 by clicking here.)


And people were angry, I mean really, really angry!

But the evangelism team—and others of like mind—had a message of Hope for all those given over to their frustration, their angst, their hatred of the system, our government, Israel, capitalists, rich people, Bush, Obama, fossil fuel users, and, of course, war. Still, we were able to give them signs from God, signs that beckoned them, Come.


Though most were at war with God and were enemies with him in their minds through wicked works, we had a message that offered peace with him through his Son Jesus Christ, peace that surpasses all understanding, peace not as the world gives.

But the big question was this: Would they heed the message?

This series will offer strategies on how to get the Gospel out to those who hate you and your message—and how to do it in a fun and engaging way. Stay tuned.

(Note: Pictured are the “Good” sign guys, a church dedicated to getting the Word out using a balanced approach. They are quiet, godly, and courteous, standing in stark contrast to the majority of angry sign guys we meet in the field. Though they aren’t part of our evangelism team, we welcome them openly when they join us. That’s a good sign!)


Comments (3)

  1. Ed Lee


    Interesting to see that in that sea of protest signs that the only message that matters was the one on the cross held by Steve (who actually fits in with the crowd, looking kind of radical with his beard and solemn face), Are You Ready?

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