Evangelism Gone Wrong, Pt. 13 : Sometimes They Walk Away

Most of the time when I share my faith with someone on the street they will listen to my entire presentation sometimes asking questions and occasionally challenging me. A lot of them will thank me, and less frequently, will even want to repent and put their trust in the Savior.

Then there are those times when I am cut off in mid-spiel, interrupted rudely, chastised sternly or abused. Then they walk away. What should an evangelist do? Here’s what I did at the Doo Dah Parade when a lady did just that: walked away. What would you have done? (Evangelism Gone Wrong is an ongoing series. To start at Part 1, click here. To go to Part 14, click here.)

Comments (15)

  1. Ryk


    I thought the lady was pretty classy, she didn’t mock you or laugh at your spiel, she just left. I like to think I would be so graceful but I fear I would be so amusrd I would have to laugh. I don’t think I would take the opportunity to debate you just because the whole ten commandments bit really doesn’t merit any discussion, but laughtef is a strong possibility. I will try to emulate this lady though and next time an evangelist gives me his pitch I will just walk away.

  2. Ryk


    I am curious as to how you would react in the ladies poaition. Lets say you are participating in a public celebration of some sort, maybe your church is putting up nativity scene or something. A random person comes up, acts interested in what you are doing but then starts warning you about the leprechauns that live in your nose. In all sincerity and loving concern he tells you that the leprechauns consider you to be a greedy, candy hoarding, miser and will turn you into a goat. He then wants to tell you about the good news that the leprechauns will forgive you if you repent and start shoving skittles up your nose. At what point do you walk away?

  3. Blythe


    why don’t people listen? Because christianity has been tested and found wanting by some, others just don’t care, and still others just don’t get why anyone who think there’s any gods.

    • Glenn Parker


      There are people with PhD’s in all branches of science who know there’s a God. But I guess they’re just not as smart as you.

      • Ryk

        Thete are also PHDs who believe in Allah or Vishnu. Blythe did not say there were no intelligent theists, she gave the fact that Christianity can not withstand scrutiny as a reason for people to walk away.

        It is not so much about intelligence, one of the most intelligent people I know is Wiccan. It is about whether one chooses to accept subjective and unreasoned faith over logic and evidence.

      • Ryk

        Argument from authority such as this mean nothing. The fact that intelligent or educated people sometimes believe in Gods does nothing to provide evidence that Gods exist. The fact that intelligent educated people often reject Gods also does not prove Gods don’t exist.

        What would proveGods exist is either evidence or valid, unrefuted argument that proves such. None such things exist.

      • BathTub

        did you mean to respond to someone else? Your post didn’t seem like an actual response to Blythe.

      • Blythe

        Did I insult you? I think not, so why the personal attack? I was putting forth a reasonable reason for why people dont listen, and you turn it into a attack. Interesting.

      • Really?


        You have committed an appeal to authority fallacy. I hereby decree that what you say must not be trusted.

    • chatroom lurker


      Watch out Steve!

      Blythe is Darklady from CARM. She has been kicked out of CARM so many times she has a callus on her cyber-bottom. Just ask Matt and/or Diane.

      • BathTub

        Remember chatroom lurker is the person who claims to have uncovered a conspiracy to take out Ray Comfort and Tony Miano, and take down this very website, and instead of informing the police or the FBI, they make snarky comments on a blog.

      • Blythe is Darklady from CARM. She has been kicked out of CARM so many times she has a callus on her cyber-bottom.

        Being kicked out of CARM, where anti-skeptic bigotry is rampant, isn’t a particularly damning conviction.

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