Comments (9)

  1. Reply

    This is from Dora Hidalgo:

    March 8th, 2007
    I had the opportunity to share the Million-dollar question with one of my neighbor’s and her teenage daughter. They profess to be Christians but do not go to church. I didn’t feel comfortable using the direct method, because they say and believe they’re Christians. Since I have a neighborly friendship with them I decided to share with them my experience in taking the class and the change it’s made in my life and describing to them how I use the Million-dollar bill. I went through the bad new and good news, they agreed with everything. I am going to treat them like new Believers (even though they feel they have been for a long time) and disciple them. I didn’t tell them this of course, but I will on a regular basis encourage them to go to church, read their Bible, and share with them what I’m learning and how I’m growing as a Christian. Her teenage daughter, Danielle, wants to go out evangelizing with us.

  2. Reply

    This is another one from Dora Hidalgo:

    March 8th, 2007
    I shared the Million-dollar tract with another of my neighbors. She professes to be a Christian and attends regularly at a Lutheran church. She seems to be Saved but not sharing her faith. Again, I shared using the indirect method. I explained how many people are not getting the full gospel and are falling away and going to hell because they have not understood God’s wrath and their need for repentance. She agreed with everything and thought it was a terrific tool. Her personality is similar to mine, quiet and reserved, so I shared how “Sharing my Faith without Fear” has helped me to step out, have compassion, and to use my fear to share because there are many who will perish without Christ and are Hell bound for eternity. Since she lives next door to me I will make a regular effort to fellowship with her and encourage her to join my daughters and I on one of our Million-dollar treks to evangelize our community. This has been a great opportunity to share with professing Believers and to disciple, exhort, and encourage them onto good deeds for Christ!

  3. Reply

    This is from Karen kalena zindric:

    Had the opportunity to share the whole message and then some with a close friend. He always got very rigid and defensive when I’d try to talk to him about God. I was giving him a ride to another town and I slowly in bits and pieces gave him the message in a variety of ways. I used alot of the information I learned from the class. At the end of the ride I thought he’d run out and wave good-by but he just sat there. I looked at him and his eyes were glassy. He had a few questions he wanted to ask such as ” What about the native-indians that pass away never hearing about Jesus” and “people studying other religions and being good”. Thanks to my recently new knowledge I was able to give him the answers that was in the bible. He’s an intellect and very much into science(Physics Major). He got out of the car with a million dollar bill and some real answers to things he must have been pondering for a long time. Praise God and thank-you Steve for being a faithful servant.

  4. Reply

    This is from Doug Wolffe

    I thought I knew my golfing buddy but…..

    He called me and ask if I wanted to play golf so I meet him at the course and we had some time to kill so I asked him the million dollar question.

    Boy, was I surprised at his answer.

    Yes, he was a liar, thief…….but he didn’t believe that Jesus was God and didn’t need His sacrifice on the cross. God would simply allow him to go to heaven.

    I was floored.

    How remiss have I been that I didn’t already know more about his beliefs.

    However, thank God for the Law that brought them to the surface.

  5. WC "YBIC


    I got a ticket this weekend. which in all fairness anybody would have felt for it. Was one of those “no right turns on red” type of laws.
    needless to say I was furious and I stumbled my way to the 10 commantments which “He” broke them all and needed it the Grace that comes from GOD. I also ask fro his grace since I was not aquanted with Ventura county and this particular street with this law. Well he did not give me grace and he did not take my 10 commanment coin either….I tried anyways!
    all I got to say is thank to GOD for he is patient and gives grace to the humble…Not like that young cop…

  6. WC "YBIC


    I got a ticket this weekend. which in all fairness anybody would have felt for it. Was one of those “no right turns on red” type of laws.
    needless to say I was furious and I stumbled my way to the 10 commantments which “He” broke them all and needed it the Grace that comes from GOD. I also ask fro his grace since I was not aquanted with Ventura county and this particular street with this law. Well he did not give me grace and he did not take my 10 commanment coin either….I tried anyways!
    all I got to say is thank to GOD for he is patient and gives grace to the humble…Not like that young cop…

  7. Richard Chavarria


    Howdy, today I was at the Alondra Golf Course handing out tracts to the new class of LPGA young golfers and parents among others. When an LPGA official told me that they had found a MDB in their cash receipts. She then asked me if I had handed the MDB at the LA Open Golf Tournament. I told that I had on Friday morning on the bus ride to the course and as I walked to my position at the fourth hole. I also had out a few on Sunday. But, here’s the thing someone else was handing them out besides me because folks were saying that someone was standing at the entrance handing them out. So, please identify yourself. And tell me how it went. Good laboring.

  8. Reply

    I praise God that most of the encounters I come across in the streets end up in deep introspection and a newfound revelation of God’s character in the hearts of men and women…

    I wonder if I am blessed with these encounters in the streets because of the opposition I have been facing in my blogs on myspace
    ( )

    It is sad when they realize they don’t know everything and then instantly spout out the fallacies within the false ‘me-me-me gospel’ floating about.

    NOTE: If you want a few agnostics to pray for, feel free to read the blog responses but I must warn you 1) They have come a long way (so the comments are long, and 2) Don’t let your children read them, since there is blasphemy and coarse language used when they get frustrated at the evidence of God. I did not remove their coarse comments, because to do so would censor proof of the Holy Spirit’s conviction upon them.

    Keep praying and plowing!! God bless you all!!

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