What’s Your E-vangie Tale #40

Two classes yet to go! As of last week, we had twelve still hanging in there….

Our second class of the summer got off with a bang as we enrolled 24 new students ready and willing to enter a new phase of their Christian life: that of an obedient Christian, seeking and saving the lost. Again I will ask: Who will persevere to the end?

Every third I’ll bring this post back to the top of the blog. Remember students, you get one bonus point for every three sentence adventure that you write about.

Even if you are not a student in my class I welcome you to share your own evangelistic adventure in the comments section.

My teaching notes are now available online by clicking here. I can even mail you a hard copy for free! Send me an email at PastorSteveAtHope@yahoo.com if you’d like them.

Comments (8)

  1. Laurene Cail


    I was a the Dept. of Social Services today and as I was leaving I reached into my purse and started handing out million dollar bills. I didn’t engage in any conversations with anyone, but all 6 people that I handed one to did not have a smile on their face prior to me approaching them. After they received the tract, they were smiling and reading! One lady came up behind me as I was walking away and asked if she could get one. Then with baby in hand, she walked to her car reading the back and smiling all the way. Normally I would have most likely left the tracts in my purse and walked to my car. Then when I sat down I would have scolded myself for not handing any out and then drove away. Now I have to get over the next stumbling block and talk to someone!

  2. Thomas Moore


    Laurene great job! I know what you mean by this, “Normally I would have most likely left the tracts in my purse and walked to my car. Then when I sat down I would have scolded myself for not handing any out and then drove away. Now I have to get over the next stumbling block and talk to someone!” This is something I too struggle with and by the power of the Holy Spirit may we both overcome!

    This past weekend I went to see my evangelist friend in a near by city to do some Saturday night evangelism. My buddy had another guy that comes out with him (I would be going out with my friend every weekend but I live about two and half hours away from him so I do not get to see him very often). I feel like I did not do very much that night. The two guys were witnessing to people and then later open-aired. I kind of felt like the outsider because lately I have not done a lot of street evangelism since I moved to a very small town. I did finally get to hand out some tracts and I tried to do some one-2-one’s but most of the people by the late hours were drunk. I just pray that God would help me learn what it means to love people the way Jesus does! May love be my motivating power to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 13)! The love that comes from the Holy Spirit of God! Praise God!


  3. Laurene


    Went to the Fiesta Hermosa booth today to do my shift. I was a little hesitant, so I watched some others hand out the tracts and talk with people. So I grabbed a stack of million dollar bills and started handing them out asking, “Did you get one of these?” One gentleman stopped and asked, “What’s this?” as he took the tract. I told him that it was actually a fake million dollar bill, but that the million dollar question is on the back. He seemed very receptive so I talked with him using the WDJD method learned in class. I couldn’t believe that I actually was able to talk to him without stumbling over my words and, I don’t think, making mistakes. I know we’re supposed to make mistakes and I probably forgot something or left something out, but I think I sowed the seed to this man and he left with a lot to think about. I was so excited that when Steve came to the booth, I jumped up and down and told him, “I did it!”

  4. Laurene


    Also at the Fiesta Hermosa this weekend I handed a million dollar tract to a lady and her husband. I spoke with the lady and she said she was brought up Catholic and didn’t like that she could confess her sins to a priest and then go the next day and sin again and it was okay. I tried to to the WDJD method with her, but she was very talkative and I didn’t want to interrupt her too many times or talk over her, so I let her talk. She felt that she was a pretty good person and tried to live her life now by the Golden Rule. Her sins, she said were in her past as a younger child, but I told her that if she didn’t just confess, but repent from her sins (even though they were a long time ago) that God will still find her guilty on judgment day. She begged to differ with me, so I asked her if she could just take some time to read the back of the tract and think about what we talked about. She said she definately would and thanked me for taking the time to listen and talk with her!

  5. Thomas Moore


    This past weekend I went back to my hometown of Manhattan, Ks where the K-State football team was playing on Saturday. There were a lot of people in town. My wife and our two children were with me when we rolled into town and after a trip to the local Christian bookstore where I pick up some tracts we went to the packed Aggieville. This area has a lot of bars but this was during the day so there were a lot of families out and about before the evening game. My wife dropped me off at the front end of Aggieville and I walked about two blocks handing out big 100 dollar bills and after those were gone the trillion dollar bills. In about 10 minuets I handed out about thirty tracts or more (I know it wouldn‘t matter if I only handed out one tract but it is fun and exciting to think that in that short of time I was able to get that many tracts out). I walked to the end of Aggieville were my wife was waiting for me. This was defiantly the definition of “gospel bombing.” But it is better then doing nothing at all! May God have all the glory and may lost people repent and trust in Jesus.


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