What’s Your E-vangie Tale #25

“No one lights a lamp and hides it in a jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, he puts it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.” —Luke 8:16


With the start of a new evangelism class comes a new round of E-vangie Tales (hopefully) from Christians ready and willing to share their faith for possibly the first time. Share your own evangelism adventures even if you are an old-timer.

Comments (72)

  1. Reply

    So yesterday I went to Ralphs. The Girl Scouts (2 moms and 3 tweenage girls) were out front selling their cookies. I thought to myself, “Perfect! An opppurtunity to meet Saturday’s homework requirement.”

    I bought a box of thin mints and tried to pay (jokingly) with my million dollar bill. The girl would have no part of accepting fake money. After I gave her my real money they were somewhat interested in what I was originally trying to give them. I gave each of them a tract, told them to read the back and then went inside the store.

    As I went inside and started to plan my route of attack I couldn’t help but think to myself, “Wait. I just ‘told’ some young girls they are going to hell!! Their moms are going to kill me. They’re going to come inside the store, track me down and say, ‘how dare I give them such propaganda and accuse them all of going to hell because they are lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterers-at-heart.’ (as quoted on the back of the tract)

    That seriously weighed on my heart for about all of 5 minutes. Then I thought about the Interview with an Atheist video…

    After running it all through my head over and over, I realized telling EVERYONE is my responsibility regardless of their age, sex, etc.

    BTW: they never did come track me down and kill me. 🙂

  2. Reply

    While in a Bank, (after making a deposit) I thought it would be great to give out the Mill-$ gospel track… It was great! I didn’t really realize it but I gave one to a muslim bank teller. She seemed to get uncomfortable, but another teller share with her what it was all about, and I went on my way rejoicing- giving out millions!!
    Isaiah 32:20 (Amp)
    Happy and fortunate are you who cast your seed upon all waters [when the river overflows its banks; for the seed will sink into the mud and when the waters subside, the plant will spring up; you will find it after many days and reap an abundant harvest], you who safely send forth the ox and the donkey [to range freely].

  3. Reply

    This is from Mike Henandez:

    so today started out as a good day. It was a clear and there was a small breeze. So i walked to the teen center and i hung out with friends and just had a fun time and it was tuesday so there was youth group at night.

    So as it became later in the day my friends kelsey and bray came and we hung out till about 6:30ish. So they said they had to go so i walked them out to the bus stop and we saw like 4 people there and i had relized i had 5 million dollar bills in my wallet.

    So i when i showed them to kelsey she said lets talk to the people and so we did and we got 2 gentlemen to say they would come to church and accept jesus christ as thier saviour. I was all excited and stuff and so kelsey, bray and me were talking going to the beach and preaching there when all of a sudden a hear a guy about in his 30s or 40s say something and i said excuse me sir? and he started saying im a maggot and started threatning me just for preaching the gospel to the 2 gentlemen.

    I was first shocked so i was just standing there listening to this guy curse at me and saying he was going to call the cops on me for exployting bray and kelsey with my bologne(he used a bad word though which i cant say) and he was refering to the envagelisim we did and i got a little mad but i didnt do anything.

    after like 5 minutes he started yelling at me and so kelsey started yelling at him saying mike isnt a bad person and stuff and bray said lets go so as kelsey and bray were leaving i kinda slowed down just to hear this guy screaming at me and iwas going to see if he was going to hurt bray or kelsey but he didnt. So half way down the parking lot to the teen center he screams HEY and so i turn around and he says you better watch your back. so i just turn around and walk in. But kelsey and bray still had to go home but thier bus left so i walked them down to the next bus and i said bye and i went back and enjoyed the youth service.

    So basically this man who i didnt even talk to started yelling at me and threatning me to almost hitting me..just for preaching the gospel….but im not stoping this encounter makes me want to preach it more and try to help people find salvation..so they dont end up like that guy.

    well that was my ev tale for tuesday feb. 26

  4. Louie O.


    So my dad and I just got escorted out of the Galleria by Ceasar the security guard. He said he understood our “cause” but had to follow rules. I asked for what reason we were being asked to leave and he replied, “solicitation.”

    Unfortunately for me when I am told to do or not to do something, I question it. Since I decided to question Ceaser (in a non-confrontational way of course) as to the solitication charge, he advised me I was handing out stuff without the mall’s permission. He then advised me if I come back I would be removed by security and if I came back after that I would be removed and arrested by the police.

    Long story short, I thought I would eventually be asked to leave the Galleria [property] for how drive while in the parking lot…. But apparently I am now a scofflaw like Pastor Steve. 🙂

    On a side note, the entire time I was handing out Million Dollar Bills (MDB) my dad witnessed to two teenage ladies. You’ll have to ask him what the result was.

  5. Louie O.


    I like giving out MDB tracts when I leave the drive through at fast food restaurants. After the person hands me my food, they are not expecting to receive something back. It’s easy, painless and quick.

  6. D.Laney


    Last saturday, me and two friends went to Hermosa pier to evangelize after the second week of class. IT was great! I met a clean cut business man named Mark McGuire (like the baseball player). When I asked him if he would go to Heaven or Hell if he died today, he said hell because he had killed a man. I got kinda scared and then asked if I could run through the list of commandments. We started talking about forgiveness and I finally asked him about the murder. He said he was in Desert Storm, had hand to hand combat with someone. He was shot three times (he showed me scars on his elbow, shoulder and flank.) He said he sees the man face everyday and is not proud of what he has done. We talked some more about the Gospel and I invited him to church and he said he knew someone from HC. He was interested in going and was sincere about it. So be looking for a Mark Mcguire.

  7. D.Laney


    THat same night I talked to a guy who called himself “David the Gay” and it went well and we talked about homosexuality in the old testament. When I left he said I had a good body and I then I walked away quickly!

  8. Jennifer Loza


    Soooo we all went to the Mall last night in the middle of our class( which was hilarious and totaley random) It was alos alot of fun. My Husband Hector and our 2 girls easily handed out million dollor bills to every one we got near too without being seen by security gaurds. A little later before we started to head up to the 3rd floor a guy came up to us to ask if we were from a church and what kind. we were able to tell him where and how to get there. His name was Joseph and he has been a born again Christain but his wife is a strict catholic and didn’t seem willing to go with him, well his wife ended up walking up at that moment and he seemed nervous to explain he was asking about our church. She immediatly said she was a catholic and my husband says he is too but he loves hope chapel and he understands it’s hard to leave the traditions of the catholic church but he has learned so much since being there and it’s not about the religion but learning about god. I was so proud of how far my husband has come and being able to have a opening to talk to people about the lord. Thanks pastor Steve your crazy but we love it!

  9. Jennifer Loza


    oh Ps… his wife softened up and they said they would try the church out! I am praying for them

  10. Reply

    I was at the galleria last night evangalising for god and having a wonderfull time. We arrived and went to the second floor and started on our journey in the stores. I finished early and was feeling good about handing out all my tracts in a matter of minutes. As I was climbing the stairs to go meet everybody at the food court my fellow christians were getting hasled by security, so I just smiled and felt my heart start to beat and heading on my way to the food court. After running to the bathroom, I meet up with the other evangalists and security came over with a police officer and said “did these guys tell you to leave?”, and I politly said no, but ended up leaving with them and was happily escorted out of the mall. It’s definitly a sign of end times!

  11. Mia


    I started the Evangelism (without fear) class two weeks late and Steve decided to take us all to mall to hand out tracts – WHOA! what an introduction! I have never given out a tract in my life, so I was a little more than nervous. However, with supportive sister by my side and cute baby in arms – and the memories of inspirational video in my mind – off we went.

    In the mall parking lot, my sis and I each gave out a Million dollar bill to two women exiting the mall and they so cheerfully accepted, I figured, “Hey! this really IS easy.” Then we entered the mall and it was a bit different. I felt a bit like a covert operations team, pulling tracts out of the baby bag and dodging the security. It was exciting, but I didn’t feel as if I was making any connections with the folks I was handing the tracts to.

    Then Minnie and I went in to Macy’s, looking for the bathroom. On the way, I saw a woman browsing through the clothing. I offered her a tract and she coldly declined. When we started off again, she called us back and asked us why we chose her to speak to? Did we think she was stupid? I told her that we cared about her, and she said “no, you don’t” and proceeded to give us a little piece of her mind. I was slightly taken aback, but what was coming through, loud and clear, was the woman’s pain and alienation. Unfortunately, I was caught so off guard, I went away. I count it as a missed opportunity, but a valuable lesson, as well. First off, it caused me to double-check my motivation. Why AM I giving out the tracts? Is compassion motivating me? That night, perhaps not. It was more obedience and adrenaline. Not that God can’t use that! But …

    Secondly, it has been a great fear of mine that something JUST LIKE THAT would happen. Now it has – and I know better what I would have liked to have done. Certainly not run away, but rather, move in. Engage in a conversation – allow Jesus to meet people through me.

    This experience, far from being a downer or off-putting, has encouraged me to talk with more people. I am so glad for this surprise event. No time to think and back out!

  12. Reply

    Un rol play de verdad

    En un país del Norte al visitar las casas de creyentes, encontré algo que me llamó la atención. En la mayoría había chimeneas con leña, calor, y una fogata encendida. Pero en casi todas, la leña era ficticia, y la fogata era artificial. Había calor y luz… Pero no había fuego. Eran hogares a gas.

    Cuando las vi me dije: “esto es una buena ilustración de un cristiano ‘como si’. Allí hay, luz y calor… pero no hay fuego”. Pero en una de esas casas encontré algo que no encuadraba en el ‘como si’. Era una chimenea que tenía todo ficticio pero allí había fuego de verdad, acerqué la mano y lo comprobé. Es lo que ahora llamo un rol play de verdad.

    La mejor forma de aprender una técnica o un método es mostrando como se hace. Por eso el rol play (representación hipotética donde los participantes tienen que cumplir un rol asignado) es muy usado en diversos cursos. En una oportunidad el Señor quería contestarle una pregunta a Juan el Bautista, acerca de la autenticidad de Su ministerio. Para ello le mostró a los discípulos del Bautista las marcas del Mesías: sanó, dio vista a los ciegos, sanó algunos sordos, etc. Esa demostración era “como un rol play” pero de verdad. Los que hacían de enfermos eran verdaderamente enfermos y Él realmente les dio la vista a los ciegos, liberó a endemoniados de su opresión, hizo oír a los sordos, y sanó a muchos enfermos. Los discípulos de Juan al llevarle el informe a la cárcel habrán dicho “este fuego es real”.

    Estaba enseñando Evangelismo Bíblico en una iglesia, en Santa Fe (Argentina) y cuando llegó el momento de la práctica les dije que haría un rol play con alguno de los presentes. Horacio (el pastor de la congregación) sugirió que lo hiciera con G. El joven pasó al frente, se sentó como si estuviera en un banco de la plaza y me acerqué para predicarle. Fue uno de los mejores rol play en que he participado, pues el joven me hacía preguntas y me contaba cosas de su vida. Dentro de mí yo decía, “pero qué buen actor, se ha posesionado tanto del rol de incrédulo que hasta parece uno”.

    Al terminar la presentación, nos estábamos disponiendo para salir a la calle a predicar y Horacio se acercó con el joven, pues el muchacho quería conversar conmigo. El punto es que este joven era un “decidido por Cristo”, había repetido hace un tiempo atrás una oración pero su vida nunca había cambiado. En ese día se había acercado a la iglesia porque sabía que había una reunión, estaba metido en la droga, el alcohol, e infidelidad. Horacio lo había escogido para que hiciera el rol play porque sabía que era un “convencido” pero no un “convertido” y quería que yo le predicara. Su confesión era “como si” fuera de Cristo pero allí no había fuego, no había ni luz ni calor.

    Aunque ya había hablado del tema y el joven había sufrido el rol play, volví con el tema de los mandamientos, y el juicio de Dios. Luego le presenté la gracia de Dios y el joven se quebró en su espíritu y entregó su vida a Cristo al entender el poder de la gracia inmerecida. Nos abrazamos y le mostré los pasos que debía seguir en su nueva vida. Al día siguiente estuvo en una de las secciones del curso, y se fue por razones de trabajo. Uno de los ancianos de la iglesia me comentó que cuando fue a comprar a un negocio, se encontró con que el dueño estaba leyendo uno de los folletos que estábamos repartiendo. Y le dijo a este hermano “¿Qué le hacen ustedes a la gente en ese lugar? Ayer vino G, estaba desesperado, y resulta que ahora vino al negocio con una sonrisa de oreja a oreja, me dio este folleto ¡Y me predicó!”.

    Lo último que supe de G es que había pasado por las aguas del bautismo y después por las aguas de la prueba, pues fue uno de los evacuados de la última inundación en Santa Fe.

    Tú y yo cumplimos un rol en este mundo, es el rol de testigos de Cristo, nuestra vida no debe ser “como si fuéramos” testigos, sino que debemos ser testigos de verdad. Encendámonos para Cristo, que el fuego en nuestras vidas sea real y no ficticio, que quienes se acerquen a nosotros puedan decir… “Esto es fuego en serio, no se trata de un cristiano ficticio. Este cristiano juega un rol play de verdad”.

  13. Reply

    Passed out 25 tracts at the south bay gallery last night – thursday after class with my group – what an adventure!, it was a lot less scary to be with some friends I must admit, and I found myself relaxing by the time I had passed out number 25.
    My most favorite part of the experience was watching Pastor Steve witness to the guard as he was walked out by security and escourted to his car, we got it all on our camera phone, and also a few shots of the manaquins in Macy’s that we put million dollar bills in their hands as part of the display, oops were we not supposto do that? love Debra

  14. Pastor Doug


    The Rock Club (New Life) at Torrance High did a “Foot Washing” outreach on their campus last Wed. At lunch they set up 2 stations at opposite ends of campus by the cafeterias and had chairs where they would “wash feet” (which included a back rub).

    For the first 5 minutes, you woulda thought we had the plague. Kids were cussing at the Christian students, asking questions (not good ones) and making fun of them!

    But as soon as one or two students actually took them up on the offer (probably as a result of a dare), then the flood gates opened!

    Around 40-50 non-Christian students ended up getting their feet washed by the Rock Club students, receiving a tract which explained why (from John 13).

    Also, so many doors were opened to talk to the other students who were just hanging around watching. The gospel was shared with probably over 200 students that day that would have NEVER darkened the door of the Christian club mtg.

    (By the way, the Rock Club avgs 60-80 students each week which is really good as far as Christian clubs go)

    This was going to be a one time event, but now we are planning on doing it once a month!

    Pray for the students at Torrance High (and all the local campuses!) God is moving!

  15. cody heath


    this is from cody. i was at bieleve08 i asked the price on a backpack that they were selling then this big dude he had to be about 6.6 he was huge.
    so he puts his hand on my shoulder and says this backpack is usilly 50$ bucks but i will give it to you for 25$ bucks i sayed sorry i only have 20$ bucks he sayed no problem so i recited john 3:16 and i got a 50$ doller backpack for 20$ dollers.

  16. Reply

    Fran Garland Says:

    March 7th, 2008 at 2:53 pm e

    I really enjoyed our class outing at the mall. I saw several security guards along the way, but I just didn’t pay attention to them. I was on a mission to hand out all my tracks and I gave out 34. I went in the stores and gave them to the customers , a lot of people thanked me and smiled which was nice and maybe 5 people refused to take one. that was ok maybe someday I will be abble to give them one or someone else will. It was fun and I am looking forward to going out with the group soon.

  17. Tom Nance-Ulrich


    I feel like I earned a crown or badge. I finally got persecuted for my faith! I joined the EV class Thurs March 6 at the Galleria Mall. We did such a good job saturating the place with witnessing & $1Millions bills that I personally was told by 3 different security guards that I could not pass any more of “those things” in this place. I, along with several others, was escorted out the door by 2 security guards! Talk about exciting! Now I have been able to join by Brothers & Sisters around the world who are persecuted for the acting on their faith. Thank you Jesus for the privilege & honor or serving you!

  18. Tom Nance-Ulrich


    Sat March 8 I joined the class witnessing at the Native American Pow Wow. I must be doing something right. 8 other people joined me in going to CSULB. While there we were told not to give people the $1million bills as there were offensive because they were not real money. We were not representing Jesus very well by giving out “fake things” that people might think that Jesus is fake too. Interesting logic. We were asked , by other Christians, to stop evangelizing that we were offensive to them and to these “native” people. I thought Jesus said go into ALL the world and preach the Gospel to ALL people. The folks at the Alumni gathering at another section of the campus were much more open. Interesting how God directs our paths…
    Keep following. Tom

  19. Jennifer Loza


    so today I was in the goodwill and a woman was in front of me was payng for the things she found and she told the cashier that she had to buy a budha statue because she was really supersticious and while she was looking through some baskets he just kinda fell out to her and since she was so supersticious she thought it was a sign. Soooo I took that as the perfect moment( with my heart pounding like crazy) to ask her if she had ever gotten a million dollor bill before and her eyes lit up as she said no but thats awesome does it have something written on the back as she is looking at it and I said yeah actuley it has something awesome written on the back. So she put it in her wallet and said I’ll read it later this looks like my lucky day. And she walked out of the store.

  20. Jennifer Loza


    I also handed a million dollor bill to the cashier and she yelled woohoo I am gonna buy a house with this! My house is gonna have a R G on the front of it and I am gonna stay home and kick back for now on. She definantly got the attention of everyone in line so I started passing them out. One lady said this is the bill I’m gonna buy a new car with and everyone else laughingly started to tell eachother what they were gonna buy with it. I walked out of there laughing it was fun! They all knew it was it was a tract with something on the back because I had just told the supersticious girl about it! So now I just wait and pray.

  21. Jennifer Loza


    So just a little while ago an insurance guy just left while he was talking to us he had to wait for his computer to go on so he started talking about how beautiful his persian girl friend was and how he was going to ask her to marry him this year. I asked him if she practiced the muslim religion and he said not really but her grandparents definantly did. I asked him what he grew up with and he said they were pretty nuetral. And then he said so obviously you guys are christain since you called my # after hearing it on a christan radio channel any way I was able to feed him a home cooked meal while he was here and then when he left I had some million dollor bills waiting by the front door so I wouldn’t forget to give some to him. Well while he was walking out I showed it to him and told him make sure you read the back because so many people think they are going to heaven when actuley they are not prepared, but that will tell you how to make sure and don’t forget to read it to your girlfriend too. I think he understood how sincere I was and he said he definantly would and he said he’d see us later. I pray that the lord draws him in through the words on the bill and that he he considers the words I spoke to him.

  22. Jennifer Loza


    I was at a park today and there was a lady with her husband and her son that was completely bald eyebows and eyelashes too. I started talking to her about her one year old and after a little while I asked her if she minded if I asked if she was going through chemotherapy treatments and she said no she refused too they were just too hard to do any more. I asked her if she minded if I asked but did she have cancer? she said no that she had a blood deficiencey that was fighting against it’s natural cells or something like that. she seemed a little uncomfortable but as she left we said goodbye and I asked her if she had ever received a million dollor bill she smiled and said no as she took it . I said it;s fun and it has some really good stuff on the back of it. may god use that bill if she dosn’t know him as her savior already.

  23. Jennifer Loza


    So my husband sponsred a kids basket ball team and we were at the awaed ceramony today and after every one got all there trophy’s for being undefeated I also walked down the line and passed all the kids million dollor bills and when the parents saw them they wanted some too.

    When we were all leaving a boy asked for more because he was on his way to a baseball game and wanted to hand them out there. May god use everyone that was passed out in jesus name.

  24. Marshall Dahlin


    I hope I am posting this at the right place. This class has been super fun and a great experience. Last Thursday everyone in the class went to The Galleria when not that many people were there. so it was hard to find people who hadn’t already gotten a track from a fellow team member. But it was fun cuz the security was watching everyone really closely; therefore, I had to recover my secret agent spy skills from when I was a kid and pass those suckers out without being seen by security. This made it more challenging and exciting. Steve, you should get a spell check on here cuz I suck at spelling.

  25. Marshall Dahlin


    Am i doing this right? Anyway, David Laney, Michael Karle, and myself decided to go out to hermosa pier (little did we know that was a harder location) to try to pass out tracks and maybe try to ask the million dollar question we had just learned earlier that night. Go make mistakes right. Well, we pass some out, try to talk to some people, and meet some crazy people and even a guy who killed someone from five inches away. then as we came to two guys who were having car trouble (perfect opportunity) Dave starts talking to them I try to add my thoughts and right then as the guys are looking troubled at what we had to say, I realize these guys could end up spending eternity in agony in hell. It really is a sad thing and it is up to us to show there is a way out. I’ve been a Christian almost all my life and never really thought about the horrible destiny most humans will have to go if we don’t get out there and share the good news.

  26. Kai Bovaird


    Our galleria experience. On Thursday the class decided to take the last half our evening and freelance our skills. I mean what better way to learn than hands on. We set the strategy, the game plan, and away we went. The goal only 25 tracts each. Sounds easy enough. Well we arrived at the mall late in the evening. Several small groups on a mission. It didn’t take long before the guards began to zero in on us. I got all my 25 distributed but was one of the “captured ones”. They escorted me and my companions all the way to the exits. Luckily no one was thrown to the lions, decapitated, or stoned. Compared to our predecessors we did alright. I guess we will live for another day of evangelism fun. “EVANGELIZE or FOSSILIZE” Aloha ~ Kai B.

  27. Jennifer Loza


    Today I was at the Gas station in Harbor City and there was man in a wheel chair out front I asked how he was doing and if he needed something to eat. He said he had eaten he needed some change for washing clothes. When I came back out I handed him a dollor and asked him if he knew the lord. I asked him if he had ever accepted Jesus as his lord and savior. He said he had. I tried to encourage him that the lord would provide for him and asked if I could pray for him He was low enough that I could put my hand on hid shoulder so I prayed for him and had tears in his eyes I told him I had one more thing for him and ran back to my car to get a million dollor bill I came back and asked if he could read he could so I told him if you ever doubt your salvation just read the back of that bill and you will be able to verify your salvation the way it should be biblicaly. I feel like god blessed and ordained that meeting today. I feel privledged to be able to talk to him and pray for him the way god allowed today.

  28. lucy ahumada


    i’m sorry i didnt get to pass out all my mdb. first i was on crutches and i was with 3 other people so they would get to the person first before i could pass it out, then before we even got in the mall almost everyone we would give a bill to said they already recieved one. so when we did get to the food court there were other team members already getting talked to by securtiy just at the next table but paz the lady that drove me to the mall was very secretly giving away the bills right behind the security after about 6 mdb the security saw her and asked us to leave the mall.

  29. lucy ahumada


    when we were in the elevator getting escorted out by security he said he was sorry that is was the law, he had to do his job. i guess it was the holy spirit that came out because i then said accoriding to our LAW we had to do our JOB! even though he walked us out he really kept trying to explain how to go about getting permission for the next time we wanted to do that. Thanks pastor steve i never have done something like this but it has made it easier for me to pass out dollar bills everywhere i go now, even being stuck at home i can mail them out!

  30. Paul


    Great stories everyone! I live few thousand miles away and these kind of stories are similar to ones I’ve heard of here and have experienced myself way up here in Canada. The Lord is doing His work everywhere!

    Special mention to Debra Flores: your letter said it all! Good for you!

    Keep the faith everyone. It just gets better. God is so good!

  31. Michael Karle


    So two weeks ago (it was the second week of class), during class steve was talking about how we should go out of our way and leave our houses to evangelize, instead of waiting for people to come to us. after class Dave, Marshall, and i were just sitting there trying to think of something to do. so i suggested we drive down to the herbrosa pier. i was expecting to hand out some tracts for 30 minutes or so, but instead we stayed till almost one in the morning, and we actually talked with people. it was wierd. it was actually fun and fufilling.

  32. Michael Karle


    While we were down at the pier. we ran into a guy named Mark Macguire(no relation to the baseball player). Dave talked to him for ten or fifteen minutes. by the end of their conversation he told dave that he was almost in tears. he was in Desert Storm and killed a man in hand-to-hand combat. he said he thinks about it every day. david told him about hope chapel and he said he was out of town that weekend but would probably check it out in the future

  33. Michael Karle


    We also ran into a very interesting situation down at the pier. Marshall and I ended up talking to a gay, drunk, man. we tried to reason with him but he just kept interrupting and asking wierd questions. anyways it was rough, but we finally got to the end and he said it didnt concern him that he was going to hell. this one was a great learning experience.

  34. Michael Karle


    Anyone who is reading this probably went to the mall on thursday, but i’ll write about it anyways. well steve got stopped about two minutes into the trip. and after a little bit they started kicking people out. Sam and i were passing out together so we were trying to avoid the guards and stuff. it was actually pretty fun. guards would follow us and we would loose them in department stores and stuff like that. i passed out all my 25 tracts successfully with out being kicked out. it was actually a pretty fun night.

  35. Michael Karle


    i would also like to say that i think going to evangelize with one or more friends is a huge confidence booster. when i go with friends i seem to be much bolder. i still pass my tracts out at school and stuff, but when im with my friends it is not nearly as scary as when im alone.

  36. Minnie Batty


    My sister and I were handing out tracts at the mall with our class, and you probably read her very eloquent story about the lady in Macy’s. In a way,the encounter was a useful one because most of the replies I’d gotten up to that time were positive or apathetic, so I needed to learn how to deal with the mad ones. In hindsight, if I could have kept my wits about me I would have said “What do you mean?”, and tried to engage her complaints in a gentle way. But my experience opened up to me other thoughts as well. The lady’s charge that we didn’t really care for her caused me to check my motives. She was right — if I were to be brutally honest, I had to admit that I didn’t truly care for her, at least in the way we implied. I did and do care that she and countless others are probably going to hell without a saving knowledge of Jesus, but I wonder sometimes if that fact really hits home to me. The story we heard about the construction worker and his lost chance to witness was really touching, but I have to admit that I don’t walk through my daily life seeing each person I pass that way. I guess fear gets in my way, but fear of what? Sometimes it’s a fear of people getting bugged that I’m interrupting their schedule for what they must see as just another sales pitch, like try Herbalife (no offence to Herbalife sellers). But if that same person’s car was rolling out of the parking lot into a busy street to be pulverized by traffic and I didn’t tell them because I didn’t want to inconvenience them, they’d think that was a lame excuse, and they’d be right. I continue to pray that God will give me a heart for the lost, to break through my apathy, but in the meantime, I need to continue battling my fears and talk to or at least give a tract to a minimum of one person a day. In the words of Zac Nazarian, don’t wait until you have the feeling; obey, and the appropriate feelings will be supplied to you as God sees fit.

  37. michael karle


    After class on thursday night marshall and i went to the hermosa pier. we passed a tract to a couple and they took it and we kept walking. we turned around and saw that they were having trouble reading it so marshall said we should go back. we talked to them and the man was an ex-convict who just got out of prison. we took him though everything fine and at the end we told him about hope. it was a pretty good one

  38. michael karle


    while we were there we also ran into a taxi cab driver. he had a lot of questions but we got through pretty much the whole thing. he had to leave a little early cause he had to work. but it was good to talk to someone agian.

  39. michael karle


    i went to the st. patricks day parade with the team for the first time going with a team. it was great i passed out all the tracks that were in my backpakck. most people took them, but some got mad and tried to give them back to me, but i went armless and they kept them. it was a good day.

  40. michael karle


    On sunday night i went down to the HB pier with dave and marshall again. dave and i met this woman named jesse who we started evangelizing to but she was all scared cause she lost her purse with very imprortant keys in them. so i asked if she wanted to pray and she said yes! so dave and i led a prayer in public, in front of eveyone who was passing. it was wierd cause i didnt even care at all. After dave and i had prayed, she prayed as well. she thanked us for being so helpful and she went to look for her purse. i hope she found it.

  41. michael karle


    while i was down there i talked with two girls. they went through the whole thing, but when i got to part where i asked them it concerned them that they were going to hell, they said no. so i asked them agian and they said no. i thanked them for their time, and told them to have a great night. it’s hard to think that i was making a diffrence, but i know that i was planting seeds. it’s just hard to see it that way.

  42. Kai Bovaird


    Saturday St. Patties day in Hermosa. As always the crowd at a parade was very open to snatching up our tracts. No one got yelled at. I had to go “armless” a few times but no big deal, all part of the plan.

    I am praying that at the next outing I would see more of my classmates.
    You have to get OUT THERE people!

    JESUS gave us “the GREAT COMMISSION” NOT “the great suggestion” can you dig.

    Aloha and God Bless,

  43. Kai Bovaird


    FADE IN Night interior my house – 9:30pm
    I noticed I had not handed Bad vs.Good tracts today as I have chained to the computer ALL day… it was late but I decided to grab my pack and go bless my neighborhood.

    I did the normal loop passing by the dive bar and catching all the smokers, drunk, but my prey outside the bar near the smoking area… hee hee.

    After a 20-30 minute loop including the small shopping center I decided to head back towards my house. As I walked the side walk I saw a girl standing near the bus stop, talking on her cell phone. As I neared I reached in my pack and switched to the Million Dollar bill as the Holy Spirit told me to switch it up. This Million would not be so scary coming from a guy late at night in almost darkness. So I handed it to her but she was on the phone and walked on. After I got about 40 yards away I heard her scream”HEY” then again “HEY” as she ran towards me. Oh no, I thought…
    She is going to scream at me for giving her this Word from God. I took a few more steps but realized she was closing fast. I needed to stop and engage her. So I turned and stopped. She ran up and said “where do I go?” In my un-knowing way said, “Well we have service Fri, Sat, and Sun.” She said, “no, where do I go know?, I mean where are you going?” Before I responded I noticed she was wobbling drunk. Maybe 21 or 22. She smelled of alcohol. I said, ” Are you ok?” Then before she could respond a car screeched up behind me and two guys jumped out cursing at her and I. One guy moved directly towards me and yelled at me, “What are you doing?, Where did you find her BLEEPITY BLEEP!”

    Let me say I had to think fast! Not in a scared way, I was trained as a Sniper in 2/75 Airborne Ranger Regiment many years ago and studied Martial Arts my entire life, but I had to prepare to do battle with my fists or my tracts…
    You know think fast!

    Either way, I was not intimidated their was only two guys.

    … so

    I reached out to him as he approached and shoved a gospel tract in his face. “I was giving her a gospel tract!”, I said without hesitation. He paused. Then I looked at his partner and he had paused also. I walked towards the passenger and gave him his million also. They both disengaged me and as the driver went back around the car to scream at the girl, “Where have you BLEEPITY been we have been looking all over for you!” I said to both, ” God Bless you”. And the passenger actually said, “God Bless you back”???

    I turned and kept walking and they eventually sped off in the car.

    You never know what is going to happen but dont forget to put on your daily Armour and trust that the Lord will look after his child.

    Kai B.

  44. Reply

    After being helped by one of the admin clerks, at AAA, I gave her the million dallor track and complemented her on her service. She said she had one under her plexiglass counter top, but some one took it. I reached into my book bag pull out a stack and told her to hand em hand! She thanked me and told me she would and that she was a PK…(preacher kid!)
    So I tested her- I asked her the “MD” question, to which she answered correctly, and then- thank me again.
    Is God Good?? All the Time!!
    bless yas heaps!

  45. Louie O.


    Tuesday night, Jeremy and I met at McDonalds for our discipleship meeting. At the end of our meeting a guy approached us and asked Jeremy if he went to Hope. Jeremy said yes and low and behold he and Jeremy knew each other from High School. Anyways, he asked what we were doing and we explained going through the bible and discussing answers to questions from our discipleship book.

    He stated he had been to Hope before and that he recently met some guys at El Camino who evangelized to him. He stated he had been saved since he was 13 but never knew what it really meant. He asked several questions about Christianity and what not. We reminded him that he truly needs to repent for sinning against God and not honoring the 10 commandments. He understoood what we saying, which was good… But I know he just needs that extra prodding & encouragement.

    We eventually closed down Mickey Dees and parted ways. I really pray Joe takes the encouragement we gave him and comes back to Hope and chooses a life for God.

    On my way out, I gave a MDB to the guy who was re-locking the door behind us. He seemed a bit agitated because we were still there at closing time, but once he saw the MDB his eyes lit up and facial expression changed. He started smiling and seemed happy to have received the tract.

    Peace Out!

  46. Louie O.


    Allright… Allright… I’ll admit I have been slacking on handing out my MDB. I have no good excuses… Sometimes I get bashful or timid and other times I just plain forget. This past week has been the my worst at handing out MDB. I think I only got 3 out of 7 days!

  47. Jennifer Loza


    My girls and I went for a walk with some bills we walked up to a lady to give her one and her friend got a big kick out of it and said she wanted one too so we gave them to her and another lady walked up and said she got one in the mail and wanted more for some family members. That was fun!

  48. Jennifer Loza


    I was at the park for extras day and I noticed there was a party going on so I walked over and sarted handing out million dollor bills everyone loved them of course and satrted asking for more. I also walked up to a lady and asked her if she had gotten one of these and she said she had that she had gotten one in the mail I was so amazed I said how fun their putting them in the mail now and she said yeah and i read the whole thing about god and stuff and she rolled her eyes I said I’m so excited these things are getting around because 150,000 people die every day and half or more are going to hell. She just kind of looked disturbed and walked away but as she was leaving i said good bye and take care.

  49. Jennifer Loza


    I was in the fabric store yesterday and my daughter and i satrted handing out million dollor bills everyone was excited to get them then some one asked me where we got them and we in unison said church so i got to explain it has some good stuff on the back there alot of people think there getting to heavon but that will help you to make sure. She said thanks and walked away reading it.

  50. Jennifer Loza


    So I needed some cash and i was in a bank in san jacinto I got my cash and handed her a million dollor bill she started cracking up and asked if she could have more i gave her 2 more and then someone walked up behind her so I handed him 5 and and he handed them out to the rest of the employees. I did see the lady reading the back as I left. Praise god.

  51. Jennifer Loza


    We went to chuckie cheese in san Jacinto the same day and I got to give the cashier guy one he thought it was cool and asked for more. He asked where i got them I said church make sure you read the back. He said cool he would then he found me later and asked for a couple more.

  52. Jennifer Loza


    My daughter had musical practice and I know she loves to hand out her million dollor bills so I brought in 50 and when she was done i gave them to her and she handed them to all the kids there for practice I saw the teenagers reading them and laughing except a few of them did not seem to find it amusing they actuley looked disturbed which made me think the holy spirit was working. yaaay anyway she passed out everyone of the 50.

  53. Jennifer Loza


    At a grinder place we were in in riverside i handed out a million to the cashier then he handed some to everyone that worked there so my daughter and I made our rounds we got every person in the place b4 we ate then we were there a long time and we noticed there was all new people so we did another round. When we were walking out I got to talk to some gangster looking guy and I told him make sure you read the back of that to make sure your gonna make it to heaven he asked if he could have some more to give to his friends. Oh yeah the guy at the counter was excited about the bill because april fools was coming up. So I gave him some more and told him to make sure who ever got it would read it. he said yeah no problem. My mom was kinda worried that everyone would think they were just for fun she said do you think they are gonna know to read them? I said I don’t know go see if they are she went back into the grinder place ande said she saw atleast 10 people reading them when she came back out she saw more.

  54. Jennifer Loza


    So I was in costco as I was paying for my stuff when I went into my purse of course my million dollor bills were in my face so I passed one to the person putting stuff in my cart and went to hand one to the cashier who quickly bent down under the desk and pulled out a million pasted to a card he said he got one and was saving it to share it with a co worker there. that gave me joy.

  55. Jennifer Loza


    At my daughters birthday party I was able to pass some bills out also, one of the teenagers was reading the bill and his dad looked over his shoulder and said isn’t that interesting I was just asking you that same question today. I said oh so you’ve seen the bills b4 and he said no he wanted to make sure his son knew where he was going if he died today. I was so excited that god was confirming to that boy that he needed to make a descision.

  56. Jennifer Loza


    so today in the hour of power we went down to Redondo beach to pass out tracts we got hundred dollor bills this time the gigantic ones and handed them out to everyone at the bars and on the strip we ended up walking past the same bar 3 times and there was a man there that was kinda making fun and saying hay I’ve seen you b4 I finaley stopped and asked if e read the bill he said he did. I asked him if he wanted to know why I was doing this and he said sure tell me so I told him 150,000 people die everyday and probably more then half of them are going to hell. I’m hoping that I can help that number by giving people a little insight. He said ok thats cool. Real cool.

  57. Jennifer Loza


    So today anytime some tough guy turned down my bills I told them no really take it it’s got some good stuff on the back of it, it might make you mad but it’s good as they take the bill and i walk away. I got quite a few of them to take it that way and I saw a few of them read it right away.

  58. Jennifer Loza


    As we were walking around giving out the hundreds today we gave one to an asian man after a while he came after us waving us down he couldn’t seem to get to us fast enough so we went to him he asked why we were doing this I said he should read the back and he said he did but why were we handing these out. I told him it was because I had seen a video on an atheist man saying that if we truley beleived in what we beleive in that we would be trying harder to save people from hell that it was as if we were watching people burn in a fire and not trying to help them that is why I was doing this. He said he was a budhist but he respected wht I was doing and he asked to buy me and my girls Ice cream so we had ice cream with him and gave him more bills to take back to china with him!~ He made me smile. But remeber his name is Gino please pray for him.

  59. Minnie Batty


    I already shared this in class, but I thought I would elaborate a little here (and earn points!) As Steve loves to point out, I am a black belt in karate. My least favorite part of martial arts is sparring — I am usually a bit slow on the uptake, and sparring is sometimes like playing a video game with my kids and dying in the first ten seconds! Also, I am not big on pain. However, in order to earn a rank, I needed to practice and improve in this skill. So, I learned some “tricks of the trade” that capitalized on my strengths, and covered a little for my weaknesses. First, you can’t just stand there like a deer in the headlights — you have to get in there and do something! Second, you can block with your leg as well as with both hands — it gives you more surface area to protect yourself. Third, if your opponent is rushing aggressively, it is often very effective to sidestep and let his momentum carry him right by you — you can even give some parting shots as he goes by! Lastly, the more you practice, the better you get. This past Tuesday, while witnessing with the team to students of Leuzinger High, I found some parallels to my sparring experiences. I couldn’t just stand there — I needed to jump in and engage; and it proved to be easier than I thought. I wasn’t alone — I had the team there with me, and some of my own kids too, which encouraged and emboldened me — more surface area! I was able to sidestep any distracting questions or comments by keeping our conversation on the Law. Most importantly, I am finding that the more I practice, the better I get!

  60. Jennifer Loza


    I handed out million dollor bills tday at the grocery store and there was politic satnding out front he read the bill and wanted to argue I told him ok lets do this all over again So I asked the million dollor question went through the whole thing and asked him if he would go to heaven or hell he said according to that which completly interprets god wrong I am going to hell but He beleived blah blah blah anyway when he finished talking i said I’m so sorry I;m in a hurry (i needed to get a basket to someone to take to Ray b4 I went to my duahgters practice) So I rubbed his arm and said please think about what this bill says seriously because at this point it sounds like you are condemned and I can tell you beleive in christ in some way, so take the next step so you won’t end up condenmed. Take care brother.( When I got in the car I felt guilty and defeated . So I prayed over myself and him and felt better. Thank you lord!)

  61. Tom Nance-Ulrich


    On the way out the door this morning, I stuck about 1/2 dozen $1 Million bills in my pocket. 2 different people at work asked what that was in my pocket. Pulling them out they shouted I want one of those! Before I had a change to talk 1 guy started reading the back out loud. “Hey guys, here’s a Million dollar question”, he said. Several other people joined around to hear. (Wow this is easy I thought, as I still hadn’t said anything.) He continued at read, saying “yup, I’m a liar,… yea I’m a thief too”. When he finished reading. I said if anyone want to discuss this further, just let me know I’d be glad to talk & answer any questions. THanks Ray Comfort for making this so easy. And thank you Holy Spirit for guiding me.

  62. Tom Nance-Ulrich


    Sat 3-22 went with the EV class to join Ray Comfort at the Huntington Beach Pier. I got on the SOAP box at the stop light when Pastor Steve was Stop-Light-Preaching. But only shouted “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand”. I felt kind of like those guys I used to laugh at and make fun of who had the sandwich-board signs whit those same words on them. I thought this was a pretty good sign that I might really be saved, when you do the exact opposite of what you used to do. I used to pride myself at how I could put down and embarass and generally make fun of “Jesus Freaks” and now I am one! Shouting at people at stop lights. I appreciate the Lord’s sence of humor. I’m going to show you that I’ve really changed your life, by having you do the very things you said you would never do, and say things you said you’d never say. Thank you Jesus for new life, for taking me from darkness into your marvelous light!

  63. Michael Karle


    I was at the Hermosa Pier last week and marshall and i were walking down the pier and when we got to the end of the pier there were people fishing and i didn’t really want to disrupt their fishing, but marshall urged me on so i did it. The man who i talked to listened to the whole thing, and pretty much begged me to give him the gospel, because he asked me who decides who is good, and that gave me a perfect way to introduce the Law and all that stuff. so it went well, and i told him about Hope and when the services were. it was a good night.

  64. Michael Karle


    I went to the Huntington Pier and watched STeve, Ray, Ed, Richard, and some other guys i didnt know open air preach. it was awesome. i really liked how they set up a microphone, and let anyone who had different opinions say what they wanted. it was cool to see how Steve and all them could refute anything they said, and how they could defend themselves always.

  65. Michael Karle


    While i was down at the huntington pier i left the group for a little bit to go talk to some people. I stopped an older couple to talk to them. I explained everything and they were very good listeners. but at the end the guy told me that this was really wierd because he is an alcoholic and he’s gonna start a program. but the night before i talked to him two people came out of nowhere and prayed for him, and now the next day i show up out of nowhere and talk to him about Jesus. I told him how the Bible says that God puts people in certain places for certain reasons, and i asked him if he thinks that this was a coincidence that i picked him out of this huge crowd to talk to. After i said this both he and his wife were amazed and thanked me for this. It was one of the best conversations i have had.

  66. Minnie Batty


    Some of my kids and I went to Huntington Beach to experience open-air preaching with Ray Comfort. It was good to see different styles with the same message, and Abel and I got to hand out tracts to passersby. I was not looking forward to stoplight preaching, but once we got there at the corner, and we got to see how Steve did it, I thought I could give it a try. I was able to fit the whole message in with the 20 seconds that I had, and I felt totally energized! Then a young man with his girlfriend came up to me and asked me what it was all about, and could he have a couple more million dollar bills! Talk about easy — he was the one asking, and was very receptive, too. All-in-all, it was a very good experience, and another notch in my “up-close-and-personal” belt of hands-on witnessing.

  67. Kai Bovaird


    Im a graduate! 🙂 lol

    Now im a card carrying evangelist!

    Well I thought I would celebrate just after the final class last night (Thursday 24th). I hit the Redondo pier. not much action that late at night so I did a quick loop passed a few tracts out and then headed back to the car and hit the road. I wandered for a bit looking for a bite to eat. I ended up heading towards my house but at the end of Rosecrans I remembered a dive place called sharkies. I got to thinking about fish tacos and yummy decided to drive over and grab a bite. “Oh my!”, I said as I pulled up. Late at night on a thursday is “club” night?

    hmmm I thought to myself. Years ago when I was in California that was the spot that I would end up partying at? I dont want to temp myself, being born again, and knowing what kind of “Drunks” that would be around….

    Then something came over me. Was it hunger? 🙂 lol

    No actually a deep sorrow for all those people staggering in and out the door “totally clueless” “LOST” “UNKNOWING?” “DAMMED”

    Well I decided to test my faith. I grabbed a stack of millions hid them in my back pocket and entered. Oh I ordered my fish tacos. “What can I say I was hungry?” and afterward proceeded to the back of the bar to make my move. I figured if I started at the back by the time anyone stopped me I would be half way through the crowd.

    Well I’ll say that I made it to every table and a lot of people. I was scared? Funny I kept going. Made it all the way to the front door and the only thing the bouncer said was” what is that?” I gave him one too! “he said, “COOOOL”!

    I know one thing. My heart is changed and I feel for all those LOST people. I know that I probably only reached a select few but have faith in the Lord in delivering the ones who took the millions and walked home dumb drunk. Hopefully to read this morning and say wow!

    Its a shame. I saw so many beautiful people on the outside but also saw so many people ugly on the inside. God will judge them but hopefully I can get to them first?

    I might have a new fishing hole. That is if they dont remember me. I could strike again. Hopefully without fear. Phil 4:13

    Kai B.

  68. Kelsey


    So at my school christian club I was talking about true and false converts. After the lesson i had a lot of concerned looks. I told them if they had questions they could talk to me after class. After class I only had one person come up to me. He was an eighth grade boy who i knew was a false convert because he usually made fun of the bible and christians. He told me he was very concerned of where he would go when he died. It was then when I gave him a million dollar bill. We read it over together and after he was so shocked on how many times he broke God’s law. He was willing to repent and trust in Jesus so I lead him through the sinner’s prayer. The next week in christian club I decided to teach about the Law because I knew a lot of people in their were not Christian. So after i lead them through the law I asked for the people who want to accept Christ as their savior to just raise their hand. To my suprise 75% of the class raised their hand. They all accepted Christ as their savior that day and now they are a very bright light to everyone at my school.

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