Comments (14)

  1. Reply

    Great idea Steve, I have watched many of your videos and updates, but this one is pretty interesting if not the best. Thanks for what you guys do

  2. Rachael


    That was awesome!!! No doubt many seeds were planted. The outcome is yet to be known. We faithfully continue to preach the gospel. God bless!

  3. Tom Nance-Ulrich


    Thanks for sharing this. Great idea, very effective. When’s the next game? I’m ready to go!

  4. Peter Johnson


    Hey Paul, I really liked your post on thewordstreetjournal as well! The video wasn’t bad either… 😀

  5. ExPatMatt


    I don’t know, I got this weird sense of deja vu when I went to thewordstreetjournal, it was rather strange.

  6. Weemaryanne


    Why should EPM go anywhere else, Steve? Isn’t this blog a public forum? Are you having second thoughts about blogging? It’s a nuisance having to deal with people who disagree, isn’t it?

  7. Reply

    To Wee: Huh? I encouraged EPM to get his own show. Like, you know, his own TV show because he’s so funny. It was an encouragement! He could be the next atheist Jay Leno. Maybe even funnier!

  8. Mark


    Just a note on your theology, Jesus never told us we had to turn from our sin to be saved. Note:

    John 5:24 (King James Version)
    24Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 3:16,18- 6:40

    Turning from ones sin is what God does with the sinner after he has believed and been saved not before. “Go and sin no more was after she believed. Repentance means to “change ones mind” to turn to God. Not turn from your sin.

    This is the error WOTM.

    Sorry, straighten this out “pastor” and you’ll have the Gospel right.

  9. Brian Harris


    Loved the Corridor of Conversion clip. It made sense to me and my wife!

  10. Peter Johnson


    Hey Mark,

    I want to thank you for your passion for correct doctrine and an accurate gospel presentation. We do need to watch our doctrine closely, especially as evangelists, because poor theology can do a lot of harm.

    You are absolutely correct that a sinner does practically turn from their sin after they believe. It is only after they believe that they can go and sin no more. Repentance does mean to change one’s mind to turn to God. But if the anyone regarding any matter changes their mind, does that not imply that they had their mind made up earlier? To change one’s mind, doesn’t one have to have a mind, an opinion about something to change? And if I turn my face toward the north, have I not just turned my face away from the south? And God and sin are even more diametrically opposed to one another than north and south. The Bible says that God detests evil, that if someone harbors sin in their heart He will not hear their prayer, and that God forsook even Jesus Christ when Jesus was on the cross. He will not look on sin.

    Therefore, if one turns to God in their heart (affections, mind, will, soul, intentions, etc.), one must also turn away from sin. As for the verse given above (John 5:24), someone who believes in Christ must turn away from the sin of unbelief. You are correct that this spiritual fruit is only seen and practiced after conversion, but the seeds of this fruit germinate at conversion, the seeds come to life when the when the person is born-again, when the person’s identity becomes dead to sin and alive in Christ.

    When Paul proclaimed in Acts 17 that “God commands all men everywhere to repent,” he was telling the people gathered to repent of their idol worship and turn to Jesus Christ.

    In the book of Isaiah we see: “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon (Isaiah 55:7 KJV).” Now someone may ask “why must the unrighteous man forsake his thoughts? The LORD answers, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” The LORD is holy and transcedent — he graciously condescends to us, as seen in the person Jesus Christ. God will not let any unrepentant sinner trample on the blood of Jesus Christ. But the question is raised “how can a sinner turn from the wickedness which he drinks down like water?” He can’t. That’s the beauty of God’s grace, God’s free gifts of repentance and faith. The Bible clearly states that the wicked must turn from their sin.

    Isaiah declared “let the wicked forsake his way,” and if we are going to be ministers of the gospel we must do so as well.

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