The Everyday Club Report: For July

I don’t know if you caught an article I wrote sometime ago concerning D. L. Moody, that great 19th century American evangelist. He had an everyday commitment of his own which reminded me of my lack of commitment. Please click here to read about it.

How did you do last month? Report in how you did in the comments section below. I’ll report in when I get back from my mission trip to a Communist country.

And if you’d like to be a part of this Club, find out how to join by clicking here.

Also, read this great article called “D. L. Moody the Practical Personal Worker.”

Comments (21)

  1. anthony varon


    another month!! July was pretty awesome, My goal is 1 one2one conversation a day or 10 tracts, I missed 2 days I think, half the time i dont remember missing any days but i like to be conservaitve. I passed out probably 250 tracts, got into over 115 conversations and open air preached once. Great month!! Praise God he uses us even when were weak!

  2. Reply

    (ran out of tracts this month)
    I did not meet my goal on tracts this month: passed 42 tracts
    I met goal on one2ones
    mailed four envelops with million dollar tracts in junk self addressed, paid postage envelops.

  3. Thomas Moore


    My goal is to get a tract out in some way everyday! July had some pretty slow moments for me and I went through some setbacks BUT the big thing that happened was I was able to finally do a 1-2-1 with a young woman outside of Wal-Mart. I was able to take her through the full gospel and she thanked me for speaking to her. I just pray that I can start to do a 1-2-1 at least once a week and go from there!

    Also pray for me believers if you would I’m part of a jail ministry for men and will be teaching the guys on Thursday. May God help me to be Jesus to those men and give them the gospel!

    God bless!

  4. Cheryl


    I just know you were praying for me because July was amazing! I can actually report that I made my goal of 1 tract per day every day – some days even more. I also had about 6 one2one conversations. God is so faithful…it is a joy be a part of what He is doing in reaching the lost. May I continue to trust Him and become more and more like Jesus!

  5. Paul Yanchek


    Missed four days this month. Rain finally cleared out around here making it easier to get out to parks and have better opportunities.

  6. Richard Chavarria


    My everyday club goal for 2011 is to do something evangelistic to spread the good news. It could be to pass out one or a hundred tracts; it could be to witness to one or more persons using the Law and Gospel; or it could be to preach in the open air; or in doors as the Lord directs.

    This month I missed my goal on six days.

    One day, this past month, while driving down the street I saw about 25 people waiting for the bus. I drove into the nearest parking lot, then walked around the building intending to cross the street to where the folks where standing. As I waited for the light to change a bus came by and picked everyone up. By the time I got there only 3 people where left waiting. They all got the tracts. Always looking to plant seeds…

  7. Mark Morrison


    200 tracts this month and 2 in door preaching sessions with around 64 total attendance !

  8. Reply

    The Lord saw fit to give me the opportunities to witness one-to-one with many people this month. In the last three weeks alone its been an average of 2 per day. I was able to open air preach the gospel in many places at various times. And the number of gospel tracts I was able to hand out were in the high thousands this month, much of that due to our Canada Day outreach but also throughout the whole month right to the last day.

    May God be glorified in providing these opportunities and for the fire He has put in us all to do all we can to seek and save the lost and dying of this world. God be praised!

  9. Sheri


    My goal is to hand out three tracts daily. I missed perhaps four days mostly because I foolishly neglected to pack tracts when I went on vacation. Now that I learned it may not be legal for me to place tracts on vehicles (I’m having a hard time finding legal statues relating to these issues), I ceased from doing that and have had to find more creative ways to pass them out. This club is very encouraging, and I thank God for everyone that is part of it.

  10. Ashley Collins


    I met my goal of passing out at least one tract per day in July! I was also blessed to be able to go down to the Brittany Spears concert here in Jacksonville to distribute tracts and had several one to one exchanges with folks. I took my daughter with me and she must have handed out 30 or 40 tracts! My brother and his wife also went and had an amazing time spreading the Gospel with us. I just got back into town from Ambassadors Academy #20! What a blessing it was. I am always so encouraged and so humbled by the Livingwaters team and the Academy leaders and co-leaders there. With God’s power, I was privileged to open air multiple times, had several one to one exchanges and passed out more tracts than I can remember. God was glorified! It was such a powerful experience serving alongside 50 other saints on the spiritual battlefield. I did not want to come home! Jesus said, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

  11. Beth


    We are so blessed to live in a country where we can share the Gospel! I do pray I would be more worthy of His blessings. I missed about 3 days not passing out at least 5 tracts.

    Tracts: 2000+
    Open-air: 10
    One2one: ~10

  12. Reply

    July was a great month! Last night (I know, it was Aug 1), 7 people graduated from our church’s first evangelism class. Open air preached 4 times, personally distributed 200+ tracts, and was able to talk one-one almost every day this month. I’m trying to keep a simple log book this month to try to track our activities. Church is involved with Harvest Crusade, and for us evangelists its like “shooting fish in a barrell” to be on the field with those coming forward. Looking forward to catching some whoppers! This weekend is a evangelism blitz for us as the team hits Huntington Beach Saturday, and then Dana Point Harbor on Sunday. Pray for those first timers! Soli Deo Gloria

  13. Dale Adams


    I met and exceeded my goal in one day. We had what they call ‘day in the park’ where vendors from all over come to our city park. It draws several hundreds of people. My goal that day was to pass out 1000 tracts and I did not do that, but was able to pass out about 350. Myself and a young lady from our local WOTM training were able to share the gospel with several people. It was a grrrrrrrrrrreat day.

  14. Reply

    Passed out tracts.
    I am now enjoying reading the Bible in the open and as the Lord leads to explain the Scripture. Open Air Preaching is cool.

  15. Melissa


    July was a good month for me as well. It’s so much easier when it’s warm out and there’s lots of events just waiting for an evangelist to crash. 😉

    I met my goal of at least 30 tracts for the month.

    I gave away approximately 418 tracts; I open air preached 4 times, and I had 9 1-2-1 conversations.

    Soli Deo Gloria

  16. Eric Stefan


    My goal was to hand out 1 tract a day. I missed my goal one day.
    Total tracts handed out is 271 and 4 one-2-one conversations .

  17. Reply

    Hello again, everyone.

    So sorry for the late post…suffice to say it’s been a very busy summer of preaching – both outside and inside the church!

    Here are my numbers for the month of July:

    Open airs: 12+
    One-to-ones: 100+
    Tracts passed: 1500+
    Inside airs: 6

    Partners in the Gospel,

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