Sudden Death: World Death Clock

Sudden Death Mondays will continue into 2011 as they have nearly every Monday since April 2006, when I started this blog. Why? Everyone dies. Everyone will be part of the ultimate statistic: 10 out 10 people die. For the evangelist, the responsibility is sobering: There is a lot of work to do. For the unbeliever, death may strike at any time, the consequences horrendous.

Click here to see the World Clock which gives statistics of how everyone will pass away, including you. Now the next question: Where will you go, Heaven or Hell?

Comments (6)

  1. Garrett


    And today my poor great aunt passed away at the age of 87.

    Vin will be pleased to know she was Catholic, much to the chagrin of my late grandmother (a Baptist).

  2. vintango2k


    Sorry to hear that Garrett, my condolences. If she was Catholic she’s probably in heaven right now.

  3. Thomas Moore


    Garrett sorry to hear of your great aunt passing. I will pray for you and you’re family.

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