(Photos are temporarily down from the host, but they’ll be up soon.)
This is Kiera, a worker at Der Weinerscnitzel. I asked her if she had ever lied. She said, “No.” Stolen anything?” “No.” Looked with lust at someone?” “No.” Ever hated anyone or called them a name?” “No.” This was ridiculous, but I continued—she had to admit to at least one sin. “Ever wanted something that wasn’t yours?” “No.” “Really?” “Yes.” Then I gave her the Boo-ya question: “Have you thought of God every second of every minute of every day (the first Commandment)?” I couldn’t believe her answer. “Yes,” she said with a straight face. I gave up and shook the dust off my feet.
Hmmm. I wonder why she didn’t want me to take a picture of her face?
-Steve Sanchez