Canadian Paul Latour, a fervent evangelist in the frozen north and frequent witty commentator on this site, has started his own evangelistic blog called, “The Word Street Journal.”
Here’s his mission statement:
The goal of this blog is to encourage fellow believers and followers of Jesus to
rely on the power of God to boldly, but “with gentleness and respect”, proclaim the gospel to a needy world in which ever way they feel led to. Not everyone is called or expected to stand on a box at a street corner and preach the gospel. But we are all called to “do something” as Charles Spurgeon once said.
[There will be] stories, articles, commentary, informative tidbits, good news, bad news, serious things, humorous things, interviews, photos, videos, audios, etc., focusing in on the realm of Christian related topics that point to the absolute necessity of our being obedient to the Lord’s call to us in bringing the Good News of eternal salvation through Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. They are not breaking down the doors to get into our churches to hear the gospel, so we are called to head out to where they are and bring it to them.
I am always thankful when a Biblical Christian rises up, is obedient to Christ, preaches the Word “in season and out of season”… then shares his experiences with the world, further encouraging others to do the same.
I’m truly thankful that Paul is one of the “Frozen Chosen.” Check out his site by clicking here.
Steve Rolllins