The debate rages on. Should we tell sinners that God loves them or hates them? Or both? Or neither?
Here is an excellent article that offers some perspective; you decide if the author, Dr. John H. Gerstner, makes a few solid biblical points. Who’s Dr. Gerstner? He was R.C. Sproul’s mentor…
“Repent or Perish” forces people to ponder seriously the popular slogan, “God hates the sin and loves the sinner.” Is a necessary repentance consistent with “God loves the sinner?” If God loves the sinner while he is alive, it is strange that God sends him to hell as soon as he dies. God loves the sinner to death? Loves him to everlasting torment?
There is something wrong here. Either God loves the sinner and will not send him into the furnace of His eternal wrath; or He sends him into His eternal wrath and does not love him. Either “you are going to hell unless” because God hates you, as you are. Or, God loves you and “you are going to hell unless” is false. Read the rest of the article here.
Josh Wiley
Paul Latour
Tom Nance-Ulrich
Rob Cox
Dalton Blevins
Steve Sanchez
Pastor Doug
Rick Roehm
Rick Roehm
Rick Roehm
timothy gill
Rick Roehm
Rick Roehm
Rick Roehm