Martyrs: Pastor Murdered

I post these weekly articles to remind Christians of the great opportunities we have to preach the Gospel in America.

On Saturday evening, Aug. 27, a Muslim extremist entered the home of a Christian pastor on Jolo Island and shot him four times in the stomach, according to Voice Of the Martyrs contacts.

Martyrs: A Sad End for Rajen

Rajen was the first believer in the village, and this enraged his father. When he found out Rajen was openly sharing his faith with his neighbors, he grabbed a huge stick and began beating his son. Although he did not intend for it to happen, one of the blows was fatal, and Rajen died immediately. (This

Martyrs: “I am a Christian. I am dying.”

Monica Dra and her husband heard the marchers outside their small home in Nigeria on July 26, 2009. They heard the chants of “Allahu Akbar” and wondered what the night would hold for them and other Christians in their village.

Monica in the Hospital“We had heard rumors all night that there were going to be problems,” Monica told VOM, “and now I could hear them walking and slaughtering people as they went.” Monica’s husband, Daniel James, grabbed her, and they ran outside to escape the radical Muslim mob. But the radicals grabbed Daniel and hacked him to death with a machete.

Monica began to run, with her Bible and hymn book tucked under her arm. But members of the chanting mob grabbed her and began striking her with machetes. Seeing a cross on a chain around Monica’s neck, a militant began to chop at her neck, nearly decapitating her. By the time Monica got to the hospital, she could only breathe through the gaping wound left by the lethal blade.

“I thought, ‘I am a Christian,'” she said. “I am dying today.”