Atheist Tuesday: Atheist Numbers Declining Daily

The American Spectator reported on some wonderful news:  According to the International Bulletin of Missionary Research there are 80,000 new Christians every day! But there’s even better news. Keep reading.

Because of God’s Spirit working in the lives of unbelievers as they hear the Gospel preached, Christianity is still thriving, with “one third of the world professing Christianity, virtually unchanged as a global percentage since 100 years ago. Christians today are estimated to number about 2.3 billion. About 1.5 billion are estimated to attend church regularly at over 5 million congregations, up from 400,000 100 years ago.”

But the best news of all? According to this report there are 300 less atheists in the world every day! At this rate, in a few thousand years (or more) there will be no more atheists! Hallelujah!!!

Maybe a lot of these “backslidden” atheists were a lot like prominent existentialist thinker Albert Camus. He, too, wrestled with many of the issues that unbelievers today struggle with: the meaning of life, a foundation for morality, and the problem of suffering and evil. We wrote about his convictions that God does not exist and that the world is without meaning in such major novels as The Stranger (1942), The Plague (1947), and The Fall (1956).

His main frustrations, as written about in The One Year Book of Christian History, “came from the issues of suffering and evil. Seeing pain and suffering all around him, he could not believe that a God who was good and all-powerful would watch such events and do nothing to alleviate them. Such a God, he felt was not worth believing.”

Hmmm. Sounds like some of the atheists I’ve encountered.

Atheist Tuesday: 2012 Atheist Resolutions

An assistant to one of the top atheist “scholars” in the world who works at Oxford smuggled out this bit of classified information and tried to sell it to WikiLeaks, but, of course, they’re out of business. Instead he sent this to me with one condition: that I send him a Bible with Ray Comfort’s autograph. Apparently, these resolutions go out in the annual Christmas edition of the newsletter, World Atheists United.

After reading these resolutions I now understand why nearly all the atheists I have encountered have similar ideas. (Are those sheep I hear in the background?)


10. Discover new and exciting ways to tell people that it’s wrong to tell people that they’re wrong about things.

9. Affirm absolutely that there are no such thing as absolutes!

8. Design intelligent arguments that prove Intelligent Design doesn’t exist.

7. Stick my head in a microwave until I can develop a “beneficial mutation” and prove those Christians wrong, once and for all!

6. Be offended by the very idea of a God who judges His Creation; yet I will enthusiastically support and encourage the American government in their practice of punishing criminals and people who have done me wrong.

5. Assert that the Bible was written by man and, therefore, cannot be taken seriously. However, I will blindly trust every single thing EVER written and/or said by Richard Dawkins, Thunderfoot, Eugenie Scott, the Amazing Atheist, or any other yahoo out there who hates Christianity as much as I do.

4. Allow my willing ignorance and suppression of the truth to anger Christians to the point that they become unfruitful and waste their time trying to prove to me intellectually that God exists. And if they do prove it, then my faith will stand in the Wisdom of men and not in the” power of God.” (win/win)

3. Take hypocritical offense at perceived wrongs while denying the existence of moral standards.

2. Make sure not to read the Bible again this year for fear that it may actually begin to make some sort of sense.

And my #1 resolution for the year 2012 is…