The True Christian™

What do you do when you run into a person who has asked “Jesus into his heart” but still leads the life of Hitler?

How should a Christian respond to someone who says that they were born again at age three but their mug shot is on the post office wall?

How should a believer appropriately deal with a “cursing like a sailor” yet “Spirit-filled, sealed by the blood” follower who also owns a strip joint?

Simple. Don’t assume that they actually are believers.

Most likely they are false converts who believed that all they had to do was pray a “simple prayer” without any repentance. Or possibly, some well-intentioned disciples surrounded the poor pagan and “made” him “accept the Savior.”

Free Downloads: Happy Holidays & Feliz Navidad Tracts!

It’s tradition! A re-post of our ever-popular Holiday tracts!

Just in time for the Season: The New and Improved Happy Holidays Tract! It’s seemingly innocuous and politically correct—until you read what’s on the inside.

We just printed over 10,000 of them at my church, Hope Chapel. We put them in the foyer in packs of ten for the whole congregation to pass out. (Click here for an older version of this tract.)


Download them for free then take them to a print shop and print them on green paper with red ink. There is blank space on the inside for you to stamp your own church name. Download it by clicking here. To see what else the tract says…

Evangelism? Gone Wrong, Pt. 12: Obama’s Heckler

Maybe you saw this on the news: President Obama held a fundraiser at the House of Blues in West Hollywood. In the middle of his speech a “religious heckler” interrupts and shouts.

But do you know what Obama said in response to the heckler at the 1:15 mark? The major networks left out a very interesting Presidential response. (Click here to start at the beginning of the “Evangelism Gone Wrong” series.)

According to TimesLIVE this is what the heckler said, “[The] Christian God is the one and only true living God, the creator of Heaven and the Universe. I love Jesus. Jesus Christ is God. Jesus Christ is the son of God.”

Obama halted his remarks and a crowd started to boo the man as he was hauled out of the auditorium by police and Secret Service agents, yelling “Jesus Christ is God. Barack Obama is the Antichrist!”

Don’t call this guy an evangelist. What he did was wrong. Dead wrong.