I have been prayerfully considering how I should write this post. I’ve thought about it, turning it over and over again in my mind, hoping to write something witty, provocative, poignant and ironic.
Not today.
The best way to go with this post on this Atheist Tuesday is to be real, sans flourish. So here goes.
The first three parts of this series, Sound and Fury, dealt with unbelievers’ comments in response to my YouTube videos. (Click here to start the series.) I selected the most extreme postings to show the extent of the hatred people have for the truth of the Gospel message.
The commenters on this blog have vociferously objected that I unfairly picked the worst of these posts to make atheists look bad, as if they were somehow above the fray of using obscenity, profanity, invective and crudeness to make their points.
They aren’t.
Though (mostly) polite and self-controlled on my site (they have to be or their comments get deleted) they are a lot different when they get together.
I have proof.
About a year ago, I was flooded with atheist commentators after I posted articles about our “Origin of Species” book giveaway (you know, the publication written by Charles Darwin, but with a 50 page anti-evolution introduction written by Ray Comfort) at USC.
Question upon question upon question was posed to me from pro-evolution atheists and unbelievers visiting my blog. I was overwhelmed. I could never answer to their satisfaction. Every explanation I gave was never good enough and was met with a thousand more questions. I wondered just who these atheists were and might they be organized? With every new post came more questions, more rebuttals and more snide comments.
Where were these people coming from? What organization did they belong to?
Then one of them, a (lady?) named WeeMaryAnne made a comment that went something like this: “It’s good to see fellow SMRTies on this blog.”
SMRTies? Was that the organization? I Googled SMRTies and found nothing.
A few weeks later I was at Ray Comfort’s blog, Atheist Central, and an atheist was thanking Ray. He was appreciative because WeAreSmrt.com was celebrating their one year anniversary! (Warning! Extreme anti-Christian content and language there.)
SMRT stands for Skeptical Minds, Rational Thought. Apparently, the Forum part of the site was originally put up to ridicule Comfort’s ministry and blog. They would post all the nasty comments Ray would delete. Then they would continue to mock him and other Christian ministries, especially Creationist sites.
In the Forum section there is a long list of Believers’ blogs and sites, listed for the sole intention of discrediting and mocking them.
Stone The Preacher is there, too, in a sub-section called “Care and Feeding of Recalcitrant, Incorrigible Fundies.” In fact, I have the dubious distinction of being the second most commented-on site after Ray Comfort’s ministries (if I have calculated correctly).
Who also is there? The unbelievers who comment here. And are they nice? Judge for yourself. The person who started my blog’s forum is Nohm. Here’s what he wrote about me:
You can check him out here [My website’s link].
His tagline is: “Evangelism with an edge… and a sense of humor.”
I interpret that as “I’m a
expletiveand just as funny as any other fundie (i.e., not at all).”
I thought about printing some of their other comments about me, but chose otherwise. Trust me; they are indeed just as crass and vulgar and profane as any of the other YouTube commenters.
I post this so that you will know who you may be dealing with in the atheist community. At times, some appear friendly, but watch out.
Jesus said this in Luke 6:45—“The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.”
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Michael Coughlin
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez
Steve Sanchez