On occasion I get an encouraging email from my atheist YouTube fans. Here’s one from joestfrancois who comments on nearly every video I post:
Listen I want to thank you. The work you are doing is taking moderate atheists and making them understand that they must stand up for what they believe in. I spent 30 years hiding my lack of belief; interacting with youtube christians has allowed me to come out as an atheist at work and with my friends and family.
Trust me it was a lot bigger
expletivestorm than if I had come out as a born-again christian, but I was finally willing because of the sort of things I see you and others like you doing here on youtube. The fun part is that if you tell a closeted atheist they are going to hell enough times, they will come out, and that is a good thing.Thanks and keep up the good work Steve.
And a hearty “You’re welcome!” to Joe!
Click here to read why this type of “encouragement” never upsets me. Ever.
Pam Hawley
Donald "The Dog" Allen
Steve L.
Steve Sanchez
Glenn Parker