17 Minus 10 Equals 7

Out of seventeen students, seven completed our evangelism training, “Sharing Your Faith Without Fear.”(Click here to see who started.) They finished well, persevering to the end. I always offer this challenge to the students on the last night of the class: “If you think that you are an evangelist, please stand up.” Usually one or two will.

This time, to my delight, everyone stood.

The next class begins Thursday, August 20, at 7PM

Comments (4)

  1. Richard Chavarria


    Congratulations to this class of Evangelist. Now comes the hard part of putting what you have learned into practice. Be sure and continue to share your adventures with the rest of us fisherman. Together, we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. You will know them by there fruit. Now run the race and finish well. And see you in the harvest field.


  2. Reply

    Well, yesterday I missed going out and giving out a tract or more so today when I knew I would be out and about I made it a point to be prepared and took several tracts with me. I first went to my regular gas station as heaven forbid I should run out while finally fired up. The first one I gave out was to the gentlemen who serviced my car and had known my late husband who passed away suddenly end of 2007. I said, thank you for your help and here is something for you. He took them, but did not say anything. Then I went to the dentist and handed one to the receptionist and then put one in the restroom and before leaving left one on the counter with my dentist’s name on it. After the appt. was over I went by Pets Mart to get my cats some food and handed one out to the cashier.
    Next comes the hard part, speaking. Please pray I will get it together and not have stage fright. I really want to do something that pleases God and helps others in graditude for all he has done for me to keep me from becoming homeless after my husband’s death. Amen

  3. Reply

    Sorry, I gather thats why I did not see my comment above because Steve was gone and Richard was standing in for him with these. Sorry Richard, I did not realize that until doing a couple over because I did not see them.
    So, if you should run across 2 that sound familar when you compare them to what has appeared above, ignore them. Not necessary to print this one, but to delete those I tried to redo since they appear now.

  4. Reply

    Okay, this is a new Evangie Tale.

    I was going out to do my food shopping today so decided to drop off a couple tracts to my downstairs elderly spanish neighbors. Then I said,
    No you are not going to just drop them off on the porch, you are going to
    speak. So I knocked on their door and when they opened it I handed them 2 sets of tracts. One for her and one for her husband. One in spanish and one in English. So, I spoke alittle, but they appeared busy so I just left them in her hand and went on my way to the store.

    I stopped first at Payless shoes, but did not find what I was looking for, but left one with the cashier who had assisted me. I then went to Ralphs and when I was standing in the line to check out an elderly man helped me put some heavy objects on the conveyer belt. I said, oh thank you and I was so shocked by his help and so appreciative I reached in my purse gave him a MDBT with the test tract and thanked him. I said alittle, but not yet what we are suppose to. I was hoping to go to the hour of power, but we had a fire above where I live so did not make it. I got to get myself out there. Hopefully this Friday and or over the weekend at the Fiesta.

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