EV TIPS/Tools: Pocket Testaments (But tear out the first 3 pages!)

Carrying around little Gospels of John is a wonderful way to share your faith. They are offered by the The Pocket Testament League for a donation of $20.00 for 30 copies.  See a few of the over 80 different covers below.


You can also choose different translations. I use the New International Version.

After I verbally share my faith, if I sense that they are interested, I then give them a Gospel of John. I have stickers that I put on the back of the Gospels that has contact info so they can call or email me. Also, I put my church address and service times on the sticker. I only give the Gospels out to those who show interest in Christ, otherwise they will trample Him underfoot. Think: Pearls before swine!

I once gave them to some Jewish guys. They were in their car ready to leave, so I handed them each a Gospel. As they drove away they tossed them out the window!

One caution! I tear out the first 3 pages because it contains an easy-believism, man-centered Gospel message. I also tear out the second to last page; read it and you will know why.

This makes for a great gift; people actually appreciate them. Someone gave me a Gospel of John a few months before I was saved over twenty years ago. I think I still have it among my memorabilia.

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  1. Richard Chavarria


    Howdy, Thank you for this EV tip. We just got our first order this week. We plan to use them just as you say. We understand why to tear out the first three pages and the second to the last pages. We’ll get some stickers with the info you outlined and put them on the back page.

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