The One Minute Gospel: Gavin MacLeod (from The Love Boat!)

This will be a new event at the beginning of the week: a featured person giving the Gospel in about sixty seconds.

Over the next several weeks I will  have prominent Christian speakers doing their best to give a concise Gospel message. After that, I’d love to hear you do it. All you have to do is film yourself giving a one minute Gospel message and send the link to my email: [email protected].

Why a one minute Gospel? People these days are on the move. It’s good to get a quick message out than none at all. Of course, you want to be friendly and considerate when explaining life and death in a Starbucks line as you pay for your coffee, or as you pick up a kid’s meal at Mickey D’s. The possibilities are endless!

Here’s Gavin MacLeod giving his Gospel message! Remember him, your Captain from that old 70’s show, The Love Boat (1977-1986), and for those who are a little bit older, The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1970-1977)? He played Murray Slaughter.

How did he do? What did he leave out? What would you have said to make the Gospel clearer?

Comments (9)

  1. dede


    I used to attend the same church that mr. macleod did. i don’t by any means judge his sincerity to his relationship with Christ but, i do know that the church he attends is extremely non excistent to the Gospel message. I don’t ever remember the word SIN in their sermons. As you heard, he left a whole lot of the the Good News!

    Did you recap w/Gavin? Hope you did!

    • Reply

      I gave him, through his director Rich Christiano, a copy of “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” and “God has a Wonderful Plan for
      Your life.” I hope he listens and reads!

      • Toni Alvarez

        I like the way you helped him with the Gospel.

  2. Eric Stefan


    Wow, that’s great to hear! I did not know he was born again. that made my day!

    Thanks for the post.

  3. Reply

    Finding it very hard to accept that anyone who understands and believes the content of 1 Cor 15:3-4 is the power of God unto salvation could fail to share it in TEN seconds, much less 60.

    But if a person has believed the crossless “accept Jesus” false gospel (as was always preached on TBN, probably still is) then it makes sense.

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