The Hollywood Celebrity B-list Christmas Parade

Last week’s evangelistic excursion to the Hollywood Christmas Parade was a wonderful opportunity to reach possibly millions of people world-wide with the Gospel. How so? By getting Gospel tracts into the hands of celebrities.

B-list celebrities.

Think about it. What if a star realizes, after reading a Gospel tract, that they will be condemned on the Day of Judgment because of their sin? They understand that they’ve lied, stolen or blasphemed God; they now know that God sees lust as adultery, hatred as murder. They then repent and put their trust in the Savior who suffered and died on a cross for them, was buried for three days and rose again. Then they use their God-given celebrity to preach to the world—until they get fired and are relegated to the B-list. (Read more about this crazy scheme from last year’s parade here.)

Am I nuts? Yep. That’s why I tried my best to get my Giant Hundred Dollar Bill Gospel tracts into the hands of as many celebrities and notables as I could. For instance: Montel Williams got one!

And the cast of General Hospital!

But the really big fish were yet to come. Popular names from TV seasons past as well as the present. They were…

Lee Majors from that show of the ’70’s, The Six Million Dollar Man! I think this is, um, him in the picture below. Not too sure….

Or it might of been Lorenzo Lamas, that great star of that classic night time soap, Falcon Crest. Wow! we’re talking big time stars! Lorenzo took a handful of the Million Dollar Bill Gospel tracts and tossed them in the air.

It also could have been Dog the Bounty Hunter. He was very excited to get his tract.

Remember folks, any one of these “stars” could read, believe, repent and preach, utilizing a platform for the Gospel that reaches the world.

Maybe even L.A.’s new Chief of Police, Charlie Beck?

But most likely, God will continue to do what he’s been doing for centuries, millenniums: using simple nobodies of little reputation to preach the Gospel or hand out tracts day in and day.


R.A. Torrey (1856-1928) wrote:

Our churches are full of members who are doing nothing. A well-chosen tract may set such to work.

I know of a young man who was working in a factory in Massachusetts. He was a plain, uneducated sort of fellow, but a little tract on personal work was placed in his hands. He read it and re-read it, and said, “I am not doing what I should for Christ.” He went to work among his companions in the factory, inviting them to the church, and to hear his pastor preach. Not satisfied with this, he went to doing personal work. This was not sufficient, so he went to work holding meetings himself. Finally he brought a convention to his city.

Just that one plain factory man was the means of getting a great convention and blessing to that place, and all from reading that little tract. He was also instrumental in organizing a society which was greatly blessed of God. It would be possible to fill this country with literature on Christian work that would stir up the dead and sleeping professors of religion throughout the land, and send them out to work for the Lord Jesus Christ.

***See what happened at a West Hollywood gay pride we attended in the summer by clicking here.***

Comments (3)

  1. Dale in tx


    Yeah . . . that was the six million dollar man alright . . . He looks just like that when he runs . . . a blur across the screen!!!

    Great job, Steve

  2. Rachael


    That’s so cool!!! That was Montel Williams! I had no idea, everything went so fast. That was a great night. Laurel was on fire passing out tracts!!! May God bless and use every single tract! Great pics =)

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