Seeker Friendly Cult

If you’ve read this blog for any length of time then you know that I am adamantly opposed to the “Therapeutic Gospel.” This type of Gospel presents Christ as a cure-all, a pill, that can make life happy and oh-so-bright. “God loves you and will give you things like health, wealth, a beautiful spouse, joy all the time, and peace, peace, peace!”

While at times those things are possible to achieve, this is not the message we want to present to the lost. No, the best and most biblical message we can bring is the message that all have sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. All have sinned because they have broken God’s moral Law, the 10 Commandments, and if found guilty the pagan will be condemned to Hell for eternity. We need to warn them with the truth, not placate them with promises of comfort.

So imagine my surprise when I saw this flyer inviting me to a convention. It read:


How can following the Christ help you to

—improve family life?—deal with life’s difficult problems?

—draw closer to God?

—oppose the devil?

—gain everlasting life?




Can you guess what group invited me? Was it the local “Seeker Friendly” church down the street? Or maybe the mailer was from the financiers of Joel Osteen’s building committee? Click to read what group is now also giving a man-centered presentation…



Now we all know that the JW’s have never gotten it right, but isn’t it interesting that they have caught the marketing methods of the lukewarm Protestant church?

Read about how the evangelism team invaded a real JW Convention last year and barely survived the adventure.

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  1. Reply

    They’ve been like this for years. They used to drop by my house–my wife always offering Gospel tracts to them–from time to time, and one thing I noticed in their literature was that it was remarkably devoid of any mention of how to get saved.


  2. Reply

    I had a run-in with the JW’s just recently. They are a very very hard people to talk with. It’s sad how much they are brainwashed by the Watchtower. They can’t even read the Bible by itself without having the Watchtower “properly translate” it for them.

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