Open Air: Preaching at the Academy Awards

Right across the street from Oscar I launched into a seven minute sermon. Would the stars be offended at the message delivered on this most hallowed of Hollywood nights? Would the thousands of gawkers consider me foolish for preaching the cross at the crossroads of Hollywood and Highland?

I sure hoped so…

This was one of about ten sermons that we preached at various corners across from the Red Carpet. Unfortunately, the hate church from Kansas was also there on another corner, so we had to distinguish ourselves from them. I actually started out my sermons talking about love, God’s love, so the crowds would know we weren’t out there to hate. I would say, “I come to you with a message of love. I want to tell you how much God loves you. But before I can tell you that, I need to tell you the bad news first….” I would then launch into the 10 Commandments, Judgment Day and Hell, followed by the really Good News of God’s love through Christ.


Across the street from where I was preaching one lost member from The Westboro Baptist Church waved her sign declaring boldly that “God Hates!” I just can’t understand why someone would want to magnify God’s hate. There were horrible, awful signs declaring that “Heath Ledger is in Hell” and that God hates certain people groups. One of those people groups stood behind the “haters” with signs declaring “God loves everyone!”

An overemphasis of any of God’s qualities is idolatry; it was a good thing we were there to set the record straight: The bad news is that God hates sin and anyone who has broken any of God’s commandments is a sinner. God’s wrath is such that all liars will have their part in the lake of burning sulfur; the sexually immoral and all thieves will not inherit the Kingdom of God. BUT! God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Whoever repents of their sin and puts their trust in Christ will have their sins forgiven. That’s love; that’s God’s love! Better than any stinkin’ trophy…Read last year’s account of our Academy Awards adventure by clicking here!

Listen to a second preaching session with a little twist here!

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  1. Pam Burch


    Just watching you preach so eloquently in front of all those people sent chills up my spine. Go get ’em Steve! God is so good and has truly blessed you in your ability to preach with love!

  2. Reply

    Hey Steve that was good. I like how the good news really began to flow in the message. Blind and proud hearted people never really understand the good news unless they are patient to bear the bad first. Saying, “we care about you” at the begining sounded a little corny until I understood about the “hater christians” with their signs that were there. Awsome man.

  3. Reply

    Happy Substitutionary Atonement day folks!!

    Looking forward to Resurrection Day here in North Georgia on Sunday.

    God bless you all!!

  4. Paul


    “May I have the envelope, please?

    Thank you.

    And now, the Oscar winner for the Most Foolish Message ever heard this side of Follywood for all time is:”

    (Insert drum role here)


    Accepting the Oscar from the Academy of Perishing Arts is street preacher Steve Sanchez of Hope Chapel.”

    (Scattered, yet polite, applause here)

    “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” (1 Cor:18 )

    Yay Steve!

  5. Reply

    Well done brother! You speak the truth with clarity and compassion. Keep working to see God glorified and all of his lost children saved!


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