Mickey Mouse Millions

The next time you go to an amusement park, take advantage of the many evangelistic opportunities that will await you as you wait in those interminably long lines. We went to Disneyland on Saturday and had a great time! I promised my daughters that I wouldn’t have conversations with people (that would take up too much ride time), but I did hand out hundreds of Gospel tracts.

When standing in line, I did a little show to get people’s attention. I use a little disappearing cloth trick to arouse curiosity. I hold out a yellow cloth and make it disappear in front of everyone’s eyes (little kids get a kick out of it). Google “Thumb Tip Trick” to see how this works.

Then I use the Mind Game trick for the adults. This is great. I tell people that all they have to do is pick a card from the front and I’ll make it disappear from the back. It works—and baffles every time!

I then tell people I’m from “The Department of Annoyance” and show them my “card” that lets them know that I’m the “Director.”

After all this—my routine—I reward everyone who was watching with Million Dollar Bill Gospel tracts. I am actually meeting a need: helping would-be riders with their boredom issues, and showing them how to avoid hell if they should die of a heart attack on The Matterhorn. (Read this horrible article if you don’t believe me.)

Standing in long annoying lines can be aggravating; your time spent waiting doesn’t have to be.

By the way, we rode 27 attractions in 14 hours. And I honored my promise to the kids, too!

***Read “Saving Mickey Mouse” here!***

***Read “Shamu Salvation” here.***

Comments (3)

  1. Rightous Richard


    27 rides n one day. Sounds like you all where running to each ride. Good tip. I’ll have to try it next time I’m in a line at the supermarket. Minus the disappearing yellow cloth.

  2. Paul Latour


    I’m hoping that heaven has a roller coaster ride for one that is the size of our universe and that I would be the only one in the lineup on a regular basis. There would be no sense having anyone else in the lineup as there wouldn’t be anybody to give the gospel to anyway. 🙂

    Good that you kept your word for your kids. I’m sure they really appreciated it. They are most important.

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