Guest E-vangies: WOWJAM DAMNATION by Dora Hidalgo

My family and I attended A WOWJAM event that was held in the park just a block from our house.
null We found out about this event from flyers we received on our front door. No information was given about it being a Christian outreach. The flyers offered free haircuts, food, prizes, games, face painting, hot meals, singing contests, etc. We took 800 Million Dollar gospel tracts and handed out every single one; only 2 people said “No, thank you.”
null I went home and scrounged up about 200 more and returned.

I had many terrific conversations with non-believers, committed believers…
…and people claiming to be Christians but not attending a church.

People were truly interested in the gospel;
many read their tract right on the spot.

My pre-teen daughters, Celina and Makayla, handed out several hundred tracts that explained clearly that if anyone broke any of the 10 Commandments—if they had ever lied, stolen, or misused God’s name—then they’d be seen as lying, thieving, blasphemers who’d face God’s wrath on Judgment Day and end up in Hell to pay for their sins.

Throughout the afternoon the WOWJAM preachers said “God loves you,” “Jesus loves you,” and “God has a distinct purpose for your life;” But most frequently they said “You’re special because God made you.” The words repent, law, and wrath were never mentioned. Few references were made from the Bible. When they finally gave the invitation to accept Christ, they did mention sin a few times, but didn’t explain repentance nor did they ask people to repent.
null The preachers DID say that if you prayed a prayer to accept Jesus you would never be the same again. A thousand people or more raised their hands to say a prayer.

“If you do not use the law in gospel proclamation, you will fill the church with false converts.”
—John Wycliffe, 14th century bible translater

Comments (2)

  1. l favorite


    Your quote was quote of a man not word based.
    Lives were changed, and that is the goal (ministry) of this team

    walk in love

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