Who Will Be #10,000?

The ten thousandth visitor will be here shortly. Who will it be?

Now, I’m sure some blogs get 10,000 visitors an hour–not mine! It’s taken nearly a year to get here. Maybe if I resorted to gossip, or cute animal pictures I’d get more visitors… but God gave me the desire to start a blog about evangelism. Can you believe it? Evangelism. Why? Because nearly 150,000 people die a day, the vast majority going to Hell. I’m glad you’re here.

So… who will be number 10,000? Let me know by leaving a comment. Hit “Refresh” when you visit, then look at the counter to see if you are the one. I’ll even send you a million dollars if you win…

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  1. Reply

    Unfortunately, as you can read by the counter, that goal was reached a few weeks back… and I don’t know who it was! You are all winners in my book, though!

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