TRANSFORMED 2009: We’re Going to Beaumont!

Yes, we’ll be carpooling to Beaumont for the TRANSFORMED conferenceBeaumont? Yep, Beaumont. L.A. County has apparently forbidden a certain four guys from speaking about evangelism anywhere in the Los Angeles area.

We’ll be going to the first session from 8am-noon. If you’d like to carpool with us from Hope Chapel, we’ll be meeting at 6am! If you want to go, you must pre-register by clicking here!

We’ll have lunch afterwards and then we’ll share our faith together somewhere in Beaumont. Beaumont? Yes, Beaumont. MapQuest anyone?

If you are attending from outside the L.A. area, and you are a reader of this blog (and of course you are or you wouldn’t be reading this), please meet up with us there, even if you are going to the later session. Let me know you’re going by leaving a comment. Love to meetcha.

Comments (6)

  1. Tom Nance-Ulrich


    Thanks Steve for setting up the car pool. I’ve registered today. I’ll spread the word and bring others with me.

    BTW CCSB has re-kindled its Sat afternoon door-to-door EV team. We’ve had 8-15 evangelists sharing the law & gospel in the T-flats neighbor”hood”. We’ve been well received, people are open and willing to talk. Special thanks for passing on Ray’s tips of explaining the law as a legal transaction, having our cases dismissed due to Jesus paying our fine. I used this Sat with good results, two teen guys understood more clearly the truth of the Gospel and agreed to repent and trust Jesus!

  2. Paul Latour


    WAIT FOR ME! If I start walking now, I should be there by Dec 20, 2010. Hope I don’t hold y’all up any.

    By the way, you said: “Yep, Beaumont. L.A. County has apparently forbidden a certain four guys from speaking about evangelism anywhere in the Los Angeles area.”

    What do you mean by that?

  3. Reply

    It’s times like these I wish Living Waters was based in Alabama…The closest cool thing we have is the Creation Museum up in KY. See if you can talk Ray into coming down to the Huntsville area. Hahaha, jk. Love the blog. I’ve been reading for a good…few months. Hope you have a good Tossmas! Hahaha, I know I will. Except my father’s unsaved and might not enjoy and understand it.
    Your brother in Christ,

  4. steve rollins


    Steve ! I definitely want to hitch a ride with you all Saturday – please e-mail me if there is still room . . .

    Steve Rollins

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