The Tract Gauntlet

Strange new ways to share your faith are always hatched at the Ambassadors’ Academy. Here’s something we did on the Santa Monica Pier during Academy #16 called the Tract Gauntlet. Too many people were refusing to take my tract as they walked down a narrow passageway, so I enlisted five or six others to stagger themselves along the path. Did it work? To see other wild and wacky ideas, click here and here.

Thanks to Allen Peek for this video.

Comments (8)

  1. Azou


    If I don’t want it the first time, then I don’t want it the other five times. Annoying people like this is a good way to turn people off. Yes, it may result in a person getting a tract, but consider intent. If their only reason is to get you to stop bugging them, you’ll see numerous tracts in the trash.

  2. Joel Nava


    LoL…the music had me going. Anyways, praise God for your labors. *thumbs up*

  3. dede


    azou…grow up man! your whiny comment makes you sound…well, juvenile.

    i’m gonna be a bit harsh here but, it’s real simple to avoid getting annoyed in this kind of situation. just be honest. all you have to do is say, “NO thanks” and move on. what’s so hard about that?

  4. Azou


    The hard part is having another six people wanting to ask me the same question.

    You know what’s also juvenile? Literally begging people to take your scrap of paper by wearing them down.

    I’m gonne be a bit harsh here but, it’s really simple to avoid annoying people in this situation. Just be honest: all you have to do is engage people and respect their ultimate decision. You always have tomorrow to try again.

  5. Elizabeth


    I totally agree with Azou’s comment about bugging people after they have turned down a tract. It will end up in the trash.

    Annoying people and pushing your way into their personal space doesn’t seem like christian behavior to me. What are about their freedom from harassment? What about “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? What about “loving kindness”? How can rudeness really win people over to Christ? What about your personal witness?

    The message about the saving grace of Jesus is right, but these rude and unseemly methods used are really just wrong. Maybe we all should search the scriptures for guidance about this behavior.

  6. Reply

    Folks, this went on for about 5 minutes and was just a playful exercise. Enjoy the creativity. We smiled and laughed. Some may even read those tracts and… get saved!

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