The March Everyday Club Report: Righteous Richard’s DMV Preaching

You never know what will happen when you make a commitment to share your faith.

Six years of preaching at a local Department of Motor Vehicles would prove too big a commitment for most people, but not for my good friend “Righteous” Richard Chavarria. Shortly after taking our church’s evangelism class and hearing the principles taught by Ray Comfort in “Hell’s Best Kept Secret” he went to work, and so far, here’s how many people have received the Gospel according to Richard’s meticulous records:

  • 570 times he has preached at the DMV.
  • 26,781 have heard the Gospel.
  •  33,627 Gospel tracts have been handed out.
How many saved? Only God knows. Here’s Richard in action from a video shot about three years ago. (Click here to get a copy of his DMV sermon.)

How did he become a DMV evangelist?

After Richard retired from the City of L.A. he decided he was going to serve the Lord—by working in the parking ministry of Hope Chapel, Hermosa Beach. He wondered if that was all God had for him; after all, he had been a Christian  for over 18 years.

Well, Lo! and Behold! He ended up taking the very first evangelism class that I taught in 2006.

For homework, I gave each student a pack of Gospel tracts. They were to hand out one a day every day of the class.

Richard didn’t.

In fact, he hid his tracts in the glove compartment of his car. Not only that, he sat in a different seat every week of the class so I wouldn’t call on him. Talk about bold!

At the end of the course he had handed out absolutely no tracts and had no conversations with anybody about their eternal destination.


Then one day I asked him to be on the “J” team; that is, the Jesus Team, our brand spanking new evangelism group. (I don’t know why I asked him.) To my surprise, he agreed to join us on our evangelistic outings and—the rest is history. A year later he started preaching every week at the DMV.

Not only does Richard preach twice every week at the Hawthorne DMV, he has also led teams at the Way of the Master’s Ambassadors’ Academy.

Who knows what God will do with you when you say “Yes” to sharing your faith? Especially everyday?

Report how you did in February by leaving a comment.

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Comments (18)

  1. Reply

    I fell way short in my everyday commitment last month. I may have missed from 5-7 days. But I’m track for a 100% record starting today!

    My goal is to hand out ten tracts a day or witness to at least one person daily and to preach in the open air when I can.

    • Steve L.


      Unfortunately, I missed three days but like you Steve, I’m on track for a PERFECT MONTH!!!

  2. T. Alvarez


    My goal is to share the gospel once a week at the local commnity college and to hand out tracts every time I go somewhere.
    I did well last month, I think there were only 3 days I did not hand out tracts.

  3. Thomas Moore


    February was one mixed up month! There were several days I didn’t get any tracts out mainly because of the weather (been having several blizzards here in Kansas). But the big thing that took place this month was going out to different intersections with my “Are You Ready?/John 3:36” cross! The month of March will be a big month, planning on going to a huge St. Pat’s Parade and to hand out many tracts for the glory of God!!!

  4. Reply

    I didn’t make my ten tracts everyday since we had a three week revival at our church. I did give out 24 valentine’s day tracts in 15 minutes on that day. I had several one on ones. On Wednesday night, a man accused me of following him when I was trying to give him a million dollar bill tract. This month, I plan to give out 200 St. Patrick’s Day tracts before the 17th and many Easter tracts before Easter Sunday.

  5. Richard Chavarria


    I want to thank my co laborers Rachael and Dennis for their continued faithfulness over the last few years at our local DMV. My goal is to do something evangelistic everyday. February we did 25 days, to the glory of God the Father. I pray, “… you would be active in sharing your faith…”

  6. Reply

    Shared the Gospel at least once every day. Been making regularly weekly trips at lunch to a shopping mall near my office to share the Gospel there. But also getting out tracts and one on ones on every day “as you go”!

  7. John W Scott III


    This was my first Everyday Club challenge, it was very challenging and fulfilling! I missed 9 days for the month of February. I was able to give all of my co-workers tracts and candy for a New Years gift. I also gave a Genius DVD to a customer that I had delivered to, so that was very exciting.
    My goal for March is to hand out/leave 1-2 tracts minimum and hopefully give out Easter candy with tracts!

  8. Reply

    “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord Almighty”. In February I reached my goal of handing out at least 1 tract every day. On the 28th, I broke my personal one day record on an up & back business trip to Sacramento. I handed out or left 37 tracts! Praise God for some conversations also. In February I handed out 209 tracts, so averaged about 7.5 a day. For 2013, my goal is to average 5 a day.

    God Bless You, Pastor Steve, for providing this accountability.

    Tom Jacobson, Redlands, CA

  9. Kevin Long


    I missed a few days. Excited to report we are beginning an evangelism class, based on WOTM, the first weeknd in April at our church here in PA

  10. rufustfirefly


    Wonderfully righteous!

    EDIT: (I edited this negative comment so as not to belittle my friend, completely changing the context to suit my needs, which is to build up! Thanks for your understanding Rufus!) 🙂

    • Steve L.


      All those that are in Christ are righteous! Just think, if you would admit you’re a sinner, repent and trust in Christ alone, you could be righteous too!

      “and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith”
      Philippians 3:9

  11. Reply

    Hi Pastor Steve, thank you for the reminder. This was a slower than usual month in the fact that I tore both of my bicep tendons and was not in too good of shape for a while. I was able to teach a ‘sharing your faith’ using Way of the Master and your material’ But as for handing out tracts, I was only able to hand out a few this month 🙁

  12. Rudy Gonzales


    I faithfully left tracts where ever I could just about every day 1 to 6 . I plan more in march and go to the big outreach in Hollywood. Iam excited

  13. Reply

    my goal is at least to hand out as many tracts as i can as well as sharing with the lost the gospel. I get many oppurtunities well on the bus.

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