The Everyday Club: Friendly Foe

The Everyday Club is in its 8th month now but out of approximately 80 people who signed up initially, less than 20 are currently reporting in (just evidence the abysmal reporting for July here). What happened to the other 60? It’s too easy for American Christians to get distracted and make a heartfelt commitment in haste without first counting the cost. Also, life gets in the way and our most sincere efforts to evangelize daily fall by the wayside due to busyness, entertainment, or the tyranny of the urgent.

Sometimes a little friendly competition is in order.

Many of you know about “Righteous Richard,” my partner in Gospel crime on the streets of L.A. (If you haven’t read any of my posts featuring him, just type in his name in the search bar.) He told me that he missed one day in July and he wasn’t going to miss another one. Ever.

That sounded like a challenge.

We both have the same daily goal: Hand out at least 10 tracts a day, or share our faith with at least one person, and preach in the open air whenever we can. I, too, missed one day last month, and hope to not miss another one; ahorrible eternity is at stake for those who are lost. The cross before me, the world—distractions, laziness, apathy—behind me. 

I’m redoubling my efforts… and hopefully, I will be able to keep up with zealous “Righteous Richard.” 

Now… how about you?

The Everyday Club gives you the opportunity to hold yourself accountable to whatever evangelistic goal that you have set for yourself, providing that it’s an everyday goal. Your goal can be to hand out one tract a day, or a thousand; it’s up to you! (You can join the 70+ others who have already signed up by clicking here!) 

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