The Everyday Club Report for July: More Than an Anthem Writer

Francis Scott Key was born on this day in 1779. Of course, we all know him as the writer of our National Anthem, but there’s probably a few other things you didn’t know about him. Did you know that he was a dedicated Christian who considered a life in ministry? According to The One Year Book of Christian History he

“was one of the founders of the American Sunday School Union and served on its board for many years. While he was on the board they launched the 1830 Mississippi Valley Campaign which sought to establish a Sunday school in every town in a 1.3 million-square mile area within two years. Key worked actively in Washington to publicize the Missippi campaign and raise funds for it. The campaign actually took fifty years to complete—with 61,297 Sunday schools started, reaching 2,650, 784 people.”

He also wrote the hymn, “Lord, with Glowing Heart I praise Thee.” This is the first part:

Lord, with glowing heart Iโ€™d praise Thee
For the bliss Thy love bestows,
For the pardโ€™ning grace that saves me,
And the peace that from it flows:
Help, O God, my weak endeavor;
This dull soul to rapture raise;
Thou must light the flame, or never
Can my love be warmed to praise.
Read the rest of the hymn here.

Someone shared the Word of Christ with him and he believed. You never know who you will reach when you share the Gospel everyday.

How did you do with your commitment last month? Post your totals below in the comments.

Want to join the Club? Click here.

Comments (20)

  1. Steve L.


    Thanks Steve for this wonderful post! Many great men throughout our history are not given the credit they deserve! This man is indeed a champion!!

  2. Reply

    I missed about 5-7 days last month.

    My everyday goal is to hand out at least 10 tract a day or have at least 1-to-1 conversation and open air preach when I can.

    I hope I do not miss a day this month!

  3. Reply

    Hi Pastor Sanchez. I am sorry to hear about the possibility of stopping the accountability but I understand. Just know that even though people aren’t signing in they are probably still sharing their faith and passing out tracts and have had a good foundation and training in what you and others have and are doing. So keep on keeping on no matter what. I had a great month passing out tracts and sharing the gospel. 2 young ladies, one 8 and the other 21 professed faith in Christ in July. Thanks for all you do. Dale

  4. Steve L.


    Yep, missed about the same amount! It always happens when I don’t leave the house. I need to make an extra effort this month; I’m perfect so far :<)

  5. Reply

    Hey, I’ve done well with my tracts the last couple of months. I do not think that I have missed a day, except one or two this years, so it has been very good so far!!

    Mika ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Eric Stefan


    My goal is to do something evangelistic everyday.

    I missed six days, my goal is to do better and stop missing days! Days I will never see again.

    Steve, you mentioned not continuing with the everyday club. I hope you continue with the club. It is very encouraging to see how God is working in the Church, not just in my neighborhood Church but to see God working through others in the Church universal.

  7. Reply

    Still popping out Christian videos / ads on a daily basis. Dropping tracts in drive throughs, and public areas. Uploading videos at YouTube. Keeping busy in retirement.

  8. Kevin Long


    I had a great month. only missed a couple of days. started going downtown state college (penn state) on Sat. nights which has been very fruitful.

  9. Richard Chavarria


    Last Saturday at the Huntington Beach pier, I had an aha moment. I offered a tract to a gentlemen who quickly accepted it than asked what it was. Brothers and Sisters, you know when you hear those words it’s time to present the gospel. So, I told him it was a gospel tract and it had the trillion dollar question on it. Then he said “no thanks, I’m a believer”. I told him to give it to someone who isn’t saved or to a family member that isn’t saved. He then said “I can’t do that”. I asked him why and he said I can’t do that and handled it back to me and I took it back. (I know… we never take tracts back..we go arm less.)

    Later, I thought to myself, Richard that guy was you when I don’t keep to my commitment and do something for the great and glorious gospel everyday. If you know what I mean.

    This month I missed 8 days. I hope to do better next month.

    To God be the glory- we were only duty our duty.


  10. Richard Chavarria


    Oh, what I forgot to say was that incident actually help me to get on with my everyday club goal of doing something everyday.

  11. Tom Jacobson


    In July I missed 5 days and handed out tracts to 134 people. What a JOY Jesus is!

  12. Beth


    Goal: 5 tracts per day

    It was pretty successful in July – didn’t miss a day – praise God! Open-air preached about 6-8 times and lots of one2ones! God is good – He uses the least of us.

    Thanks Steve for hanging in there with us for as long as you did – I know it’s rough sometimes trying to keep people going with anything – no discipline! We are bad! ๐Ÿ™‚

  13. Reply

    Steve – I think I was able to share the Gospel in some way every day. Whether it was putting a tract out someplace. Or whether it was a full one on one. In any case the Gospel went forth. I started the month with a trip to MO and IL. Encouraging time in MO where I spoke at a church and then presented our evangelism training. Later that week I heard that this small church handed out over 2000 Gospel tracts at a fourth of July parade. In IL I went door to door with the pastor and then shared the Gospel in the town square. Back at home I’ve been able to do regular witnessing events at the train as well as sharing the Gospel “as I go”. One afternoon last week there was a group of spanish speaking workers from the city sitting in the alley eating lunch. I grabbed a stack of spanish million dollar bill tracts and handed them out to them. Turns out I had grabbed just enough to give each of them one. None of them spoke English, but one of them pulled out his wallet and in his wallet was a million dollar bill in English that I had given him before.

    I know I have not been faithful to post my comments each month. For that I am sorry that my lack of doing it has caused you any discouragement. I do believe that this BLOG and the every day club serves a great purpose for the cause of Christ and the furtherance of the Gospel. I hope and pray that you will keep this going.

  14. Thomas Moore


    July was a slower month for me, but August has already started off really well! Planning to take two other guys with me out to do some evangelism that have never done it before so if you would please pray for that (August 18th). Still many struggles when it comes to evangelism, but God is faithful to the end!!!

    • Thomas Moore


      Please Pastor Steve don’t end the everyday club! ๐Ÿ™ It has been helpful to me and I have enjoyed having to check in every first of the month!!!

  15. Kari Fertitta


    I am ashamed to say that I have not passed out any tracks and have failed to me the goal I set many months ago. I have used the idea of “Are you a good person” in witnessing to a few people which was helpful. I am sorry that you are discouraged and will put forth effort to start sharing. Thank you for letting us know how you feel. Your truth and sincerity helps keep us accountable and has encouraged me to get out there and spread the wonderful news of our Savior. God bless you and this ministry!

  16. Reply

    I am very thankful to God for your ministry and for having the everyday club. I pray for God’s guidance in your decision.
    I just finished lesson # 30 SOBE where I heard the following very encouraging message: , or just click on my name.

    I did well this month. Handed lots of tracts, but only evangelized to the same relatives when the opportunity came up.

  17. Nicole Alvarez


    I handed out many tracts and left tracts at various places for people to find.

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