Evangelistic Tipping

A few years ago, after eating a meal in a restaurant, getting the bill and leaving a “tip,” a misguided pastor complained“I Give God 10% Why do you get 18?” on her Applebee’s receipt after having to leave an 18% gratuity for her party of ten. A photo of the receipt went viral, the waitress who posted the receipt got fired and the pastor humbly confessed that it was a “lapse in my character and judgment.”

Please, if you are a Christian, if you are an evangelist, after dining in a restaurant, give a great tip when leaving a gospel tract, especially if the service was bad. That way, you will be a blessing and not leave a bad taste in the server’s mouth. This is what someone did  after we had dinner together one night:

According to an AOL.com article

Christians are in fact more likely to tip badly than diners with no religious affiliation, according to a study on the subject by Michael Lynn of Cornell University. While Christians gave an average of 17.3 percent for good service, a significant minority — 13 percent — left less than 15 percent gratuity for good service, which is double the percentage of unaffiliated diners who tip in that range and six times the percentage of Jewish diners who do the same.

Several servers have reported receiving a $10 bill as a tip, only to find it’s phony, with the words “SOME THINGS ARE BETTER THAN MONEY” written on the back, “like your eternal salvation, that was brought and paid for by Jesus going to the cross.”

Bottom line: If you don’t like the service and you don’t want to leave a tip, please don’t let them know that you are a Christian. But if you want to reflect the glory of God, be gracious, forgiving, helpful—and leave your Gospel tract—with a big tip!!! In fact, make sure that your gratuity is at least 20% when you leave a tract—they may even look forward to you coming back!


If you are in the Everyday Club, please leave a comment on how you did with your evangelistic commitment last month. If you’d like to join the Club, click here for the info.

Comments (27)

  1. Reply

    My goal is to hand out ten tracts a day or witness to at least one person and open air preach when I can.

    I fell three days short of my goal in January.

  2. Rudy


    since I joined the everyday club, I have been able to give tracts every day my boldness is increasing and I am reaching my goal. thank you so much pastor Steve for your website and your help. God bless

  3. Richard Chavarria


    My goal is to do something evangelistic everyday. Handing out a tract or hundreds, a 1-2-1 conversation, and even open air preaching at my local DMV. Glory to God, we reached our goal 24 days in January’ 2013.

  4. Steve L.


    Had a rough time in Jan. due to illness but I’m back on track for Feb. – looking for a perfect month!

  5. Reply

    My goal is to hand out or leave at least 1 gospel tract each day, to average 3 a day. I am also adding a goal to have at least 5 meaningful conversations a month (more than a few minutes where I can go through the Gospel).

    In January, I missed 3 days, I averaged 4.3 gospel tracts a day, and I had 2 very meaningful Gospel conversations.

    Thank you, Pastor Steve, for continuing this accountability group.

    May Our Lord richly bless you and all who live and speak for Him!

    Tom Jacobson, Redlands, CA

  6. Eric Stefan


    My goal is to take and make opportunities to share my faith more by handing out more tracts, talking 1-2-1, or what ever else I can find to use.

    I missed the first 7 days of the year due to the flu and lingering effects, but I am on target for the rest of the month.

  7. Reply

    I missed a few days this month because of being at a retreat where it was only other Christians around. But otherwise I shared the Gospel at least once every day. Had the opportunity to hand out many tracts and have many one on one conversations.

    We did an outreach at the Cotton Bowl where we handed out a few thousand tracts.

  8. Reply

    I don’t get outside every day, but when I go to the store, I always carry Giant Money tracts with me (except the store where they asked me not to give them out anymore). My goal is to not be in a hurry when I am at the store, so I can take time out and give out tracts to those in the parking lots or even sidewalks. A couple of days ago, I went downtown to go to a spice store. The people in this area are very rich and think they don’t need God, but I try to offer tracts to people and if they are open to it, I’ll ask them questions about the Gospel and share with them. I met a Christian couple who were visiting this area, and it was nice to meet other Christians who have the same vision. The man prayed for me. We could have talked all day. Then I talked with a lady directing traffic around construction. I think she was the most grateful person I had ever given a tract to. It is fun to give out tracts, but not always easy. But God is with me and I trust He will use the tracts to reach people for Himself with.

  9. T.Alvarez


    My new goal for the year is to go to our community college at least 2 times per month and

    1 time to Walmart and hand out at least 2 tracts every time I go anywhere else. I missed

    going to Walmart because of the weather, and I handed out at least 1 tract when going

    out. I had a few one2ones at the community college.

    Pastor Steve, muchas gracias for the opportunity to share.


  10. Nicole Alvarez


    Hi Pastor Steve,

    My goal is to hand out at least 1 tract everytime I go somewhere.

    I went to Crafton Hillls with my mom. That day, there were over 100 highschoolers visiting

    and I handed out trillion dollar gospel tracts to all of them as the passed by.

    I like to go to Crafton because I get to run and catch up to students to give them tracts.

  11. Tracy


    Since my dad died unexpectedly in November and we moved my mom who has Alzheimer’s into our home, I have been unable to keep my commitment to give out one tract a day. My husband has cancer and friends dropped over tonight to encourage us. I gave each of them a tract to pass on to someone. My goal is to continue with the tract ministry as God gives me opportunity.

  12. EV. D.R.Towne II


    I went strong in the beginning, but towards the end of month is where I had gotten sick, and also been in hospital. I did however at the hospital, share the gospel there to a few workers. This month, so far is going well, I hope to do well and hand out more tracts as well as share the gospel with those around.

  13. Thomas Moore


    January was a slower month for me I think I missed more than three days getting a tract out 🙁 But I’m believing that February will be much better! One reason is I’m almost done putting together my “Are You Ready” cross that I will be taking out once a week and other places I go to do evangelism! Also I continue to go to Wal-Mart once a week to place tracts out. My new goal has been to “hand” at least one tract out to someone every time I go, still struggling with that one, but by the power of the Holy Spirit I will not give up!!!

  14. Reply

    Thanks for the reminder, I have been down with the flu. The month of January was a great month, I was able to take some people with me and pass out tracts and share the gospel. We are planning more trips in February. Thank you again Steve for your faithfulness.

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