Flushing, New York—In response to the boycott of Target stores nationwide from natural born males and females over their new commode policy of free-for-all gender, non-gender, new-gender, LBGTQ-1-2-3 restrooms, executives have introduced minor safety measures.

bathroom cam

“Our new toilet cams will be affixed inside every potty of every store’s restroom,” said MelAmy Sithkin, Target’s Chief of Trans-Gender Relations and Non-Offending Policy Enforcement.  “This will ensure that every person, no matter how they identify at the moment, can feel safe and secure doing their business privately without the intrusion of perversion masquerading as trans-something-or-other.”

Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association, the organization that initiated the highly successful boycott, said that this was a step in the right direction. “I’m glad to see that Target is finally responding to normal people’s protests and doing something sane and rational. I know that I will feel more secure knowing that my privacy and dignity are protected under the watchful eye of responsible management.”

(Written by blog’s author.)

Comments (5)

  1. Reply

    Wait a minute! You mean that I’ll be scrutinized by an unknown viewer when I use the restroom facilities at a TARGET store?!! This sounds ridiculous to me . . . and how long will it take to get some of these potty videos on YouTube? Sounds like the beginning of a new profession: “Potty Police”.

  2. Reply

    Your joke or someone else’s? It does illustrate the difficulty of preventing problems with their bathroom policy, though.

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