Take a Tablet

The apostle Paul wrote this to a slave-owner named Philemon: “I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ.”

I pray the same thing for you to.

There is nothing like what we have as a Christian: eternal life, forgiveness of sins, a relationship with the one true God—and the opportunity to share all this with unbelievers! What a chasm exists between those who have life and those awaiting death.

What a shame.

As I share my faith regularly, I see more clearly what I have been saved from—the debauchery, the drunkeness, the hopelessness, the licentiousness— which prompts me to be ever more thankful for what I am today. Which allows me to have a fuller understanding of every good thing I have in Christ: the chance to be a part of God’s plan in reaching the lost, the forsaken.

I wish you could experience the same excitement, I wish you could experience the same joy. I wish I could give you a pill. Something to help you overcome your timidity, fear, and apathy.
null But you’ve already swallowed it. The Gos-Pill. And with it everything you need for life and godliness, and all the promises of God that he will be with you.

Did you get a placebo?

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