Stone the Preacher 2013: What’s Upcoming

In 2013 this blog will undergo a bit of tweaking due to the changes that are happening in my life…

I hope to broaden my blogging horizons a bit with some subtle changes. While there will still be an emphasis on evangelism, I will also include articles about Christianity in the culture, since in the next few years, Christians will increasingly be marginalized and given little credence in their beliefs, leading up to a time of expanded persecution because of who and what we stand for. These posts will reflect on the degradation of American society at large, and what we as believers can do to be salt and light while we live here.

On Mondays, I will still feature those strange “Sudden Death” posts reminding everyone that tomorrow is promised to no man, and that it’s appointed once for a person to die and then the Judgment. Like this article about a man who died on New Year’s day when his refrigerator fell on him as he was getting a beer.

In addition, I will be adding something about the pro-life cause as a reminder that millions of pre-born human beings face sudden death before they can even see the light of day. Since the 180 Movie came out a little over a year ago I have wanted to get more involved in saving the unborn; to that I end I will be teaching a new class at our church Hope Chapel called “Abortion is About God: Reframing a Moral Issue.” (Sign up for it here.)

Atheist Tuesday will still be featured on most Tuesdays even though the majority of atheists who used to visit here have given up and packed their bags, presumably to haunt other Christian sites. I can’t blame them for leaving; they have no moral leg to stand on…and they have to argue with someone as intractable as me!

Wednesdays or Thursdays will contain our weekly schedule of evangelism excursions with a plus: I will add a useful Scripture that can be an excellent preaching verse when sharing your faith. Also, I will provide a link to helpful articles I’ve written in the past that will help you to share your faith more effectively.

Thursdays or Fridays will be a mash-up:  I might post something silly like this:

Or a strange, funny evangelism encounter or a quote of the week or…

Of course, I reserve the right to put up anything I want at any time; that’s the benefit of having my own blog!

Perhaps you’d like to subscribe to this blog.  That way you will be alerted each time I post an item. You can do that by clicking here.

You can see my “other side” on Facebook, too. That is, I post common everyday life things and the occasional evangelism article. (Like the diet I’m going on this Tuesday and my report …in rhyme.) You can “friend” me here:

Or subscribe to my Instagram: @steve_sanch

And you can email me anytime at [email protected].

If  you need to call, I’m available Tuesday-Friday. If you want prayer, evangelistic advice or anything else, let me know by calling 310-374-4673 x.121.

God bless you. I do appreciate your comments and your support over the years.

Comments (12)

  1. Eric Marrs


    Pastor Steve,

    Appreciate your continued zeal, faithfulness, evangelism focus. May we participate, serve, encourage while we can. I’ll share this with others in our InsideOUT ( ministry for ongoing inspiration …


  2. Nohm


    Hi Steve,

    For my own curiosity, what did you mean when you wrote “they have no moral leg to stand on” in the “Atheist Tuesday” section of your post above?

    No moral leg to stand on regarding what?

      • Nohm

        Hi Steve,

        You have me totally confused. What do you mean when you say “atheists have no moral leg to stand on regarding life”.

        Also, correct me if I’m wrong, but you’ve stated before that everyone, atheists included, have morality seared into their conscience by God.

        If that’s true, that means that atheists have the exact same moral leg to stand on as everyone else, and your issue would be with where atheists think they get morality, instead of whether or not they have morality.

      • What is your reason for morality? You certainly don’t have God’s Law that you are following… Is it an objective or subjective morality?

      • Nohm

        Hi Steve,

        Before I answer your questions, I would please appreciate an answer to my questions:

        1. What do you mean when you say “atheists have no moral leg to stand on regarding life”?

        2. Do you believe that everyone, atheists included, have morality seared into their conscience by God?

        3. As for my reason for morality and whether it’s objective or subjective, we’ve covered this already. Don’t you remember when you had Vagon write up an Atheist Tuesday article about objective morality without the God requirement? Because I’d just be repeating a lot of that. If you don’t remember this (it happened a year or so ago), I’ll help you find that post again.

        You are correct; I don’t follow “God’s Law”, although there is quite a bit of crossover between the objective morality that I follow and what you view as “God’s Law”.

        Please answer #1 and #2 when you can. Thanks!

      • 1. Atheists have no moral leg to stand on apart from what they consider moral. For a highly simplified example: An atheist may say abortion is right for any reason whatsoever. What is the objective standard? A believer says it’s wrong because murder is wrong, according to God’s standard.

        Conclusion: An unbeliever, in regard to God’s morality and an eternal destiny, has no moral leg to stand on.

        2. Everyone has the Law written in their hearts (their conscience). Their consciences may be seared as with a hot iron to the point that they don’t listen to their consciences anymore so God gives them over to a depraved mind. For a highly simplified example: An atheist may say that it is not immoral to sleep with someone outside of marriage, because if it’s mutually consented sex, it’s ok. What is the objective standard? God’s Law says that the sexually immoral will not inherit the kingdom of God. And even if you look at a woman with lust you’ve committed adultery already in your heart.

        Conclusion: An unbeliever, in regard to God’s morality and an eternal destiny, has no moral leg to stand on.

        3. It matters not to me what Vagon or any unbeliever writes, an unbeliever, in regard to God’s morality and an eternal destiny, has no moral leg to stand on.

        Thanks for reading!

      • Nohm

        Hi Steve,

        Regarding my issues #1 and #2, I now understand what you mean. Thank you for answering them.

        As for your #3, that didn’t really deal with your original question, which was “What is your reason for morality? Is it an objective or subjective morality?“, and that’s what I was referring to with regards to what Vagon wrote, and it’s why I was a bit confused as to why you were asking me that. I was not talking about an eternal destiny, and my only comment regarding God’s morality was to mention that there is some crossover between my morality and what you call “God’s Law”.

        I appreciate you clarifying my #1 and #2 questions, and I hope I’ve clarified my answer to your question.

        Of course, I completely disagree as to whether or not I have a moral leg to stand on, but I think that (i.e., the disagreement) is expected.

        Lastly, and they can correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m of the understanding that many of the atheists who used to post here have not gone off “to haunt other Christian sites“, and I find it incredibly unlikely that they left because they think that “they have no moral leg to stand on“.

        But, hey, I’m still here! 😀

      • Mark Hunter

        Morality: principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.

        “2. Everyone has the Law written in their hearts (their conscience). ”

        But God never intended humans to have morality according to the bible. We had to take that for ourselves with the “forbidden” fruit.

        “A believer says it’s wrong because murder is wrong, according to God’s standard.”

        But murder is OK when God commands it. That makes your “objective” standard into a double standard.

        “3. It matters not to me what Vagon or any unbeliever writes, an unbeliever, in regard to God’s morality and an eternal destiny, has no moral leg to stand on.”

        Funny. We say the same things about you! When you stop trusting in your reasoning skills and start using “God” as a moral guide, you are no longer being moral but amoral (not immoral there is a big difference). You have forsaken the skills we use to make moral judgements in favor of the will of your God. I assume that you will say that we can’t trust our morals as they are corrupted by sin. Fine. So be it. If we as humans can’t make correct moral calls, then you can’t say that your God is good or evil. At that point you are just taking your God’s word for it when he claims to be good.

        But as an atheist, I have not stopped using my reasoning powers to determine for myself what is moral or immoral. We use empathy and our ability to see cause and effect to make moral calls.

        You claim that abortion is always wrong. What if it was discovered that a fetus was carrying a disease that would destroy all human life if it was allowed to be born? Would it not be moral to abort that fetus and prevent it from killing everyone? Or should “God’s Law” be held and bringing death to everyone by forbidding that abortion?

        Conclusion: An believer, in regard to God’s morality and an eternal destiny, has no moral leg to stand on either.

  3. Richard Chavarria


    Pastor Steve,

    I see that your making some changes to the blog spot.

    I hope they work well with the new challenges in your life. May God continue to give you wisdom and strength.

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