Preaching at the Academy Awards #2

Here is another open air offering from our excursion to the Academy Awards in February.

This time we preached on the south side of Hollywood Blvd., right across the street from that Kansas hate church who were waving their “God Hates” signs. I emphasized that we were there to bring a message of love, so we wouldn’t be confused with that church. Since traffic is stopped on Academy Award’s day, our voices carried like we were in a canyon, and people could hear us across that great Boulevard (you’ll see the people waving in response to some of my questions). A couple of guitar players played softly next to us, graciously letting us preach next to them… until they heard our Gospel message. Then they tried to amp up the volume to drown us out, to no avail.

What good is all this open air preaching? Is it really effective? Read this article by Charles Spurgeon to get a little perspective.

Listen to our first Academy Awards sermon here.

Read an adventure from last year’s awards ceremony with all the colorful characters who inhabit this place by clicking here.

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  1. Paul


    Way to go Steve!

    Had this been all an act in a movie, you might have won yourself one of those shiny little gold calves shaped like a man with no clothes that real actors get to take home.

  2. Dots Morgan


    Your E-Vangie Tales are absolutely GREAT in every way!!!
    I learn from them, get a lot of laughs and a lot of answers
    to problems. Thank you so very much!!!!
    I love you lots,

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