Postage-Paid Preaching

I hate those credit card applications that come in the mail. I get lots of them— three, five, six or more in a week! What can a consumer who wants to stay debt free do? I’ve called the “Do Not Mail” list to no avail—Visa and Mastercard and American Express just keep on sending more.

But I have a solution: Revenge through redemption!

Learn to lighten the load of loathsome loan letter litter lovingly. It won’t cost you a cent, but will cause the credit card companies to count the cost…

The first thing that comes to mind when people see one of these in the mail…

…is to throw it away!
nullnull But don’t!

You’ll miss a golden evangelistic opportunity.

Put those irritating apps in a nice little line. Take a good look at them; guffaw a little if you have to. Rub your hands together gleefully and say a short prayer. “Get ’em God!” is appropriate.

Grab your favorite Gospel tracts, say a million dollar bill or something.
null Make sure that it explains clearly that if anyone has broken any of God’s 10 Commandments—if they’ve ever lied, stolen or misused God’s name, even one time… then God will see them as lying, thieving, blasphemers who will be found guilty on Judgment Day and end up in Hell to pay for their sins. Y’ know, something like that.

Then tuck the tract neatly into the envelope…

…confident in the fact that the postage has already been paid.
null And if the recipient will only repent and trust in the Savior, his sins will be paid for as well.



With feet—and mailbag—fitted with the readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace, let Mr. Mailman carry the load that tells how Christ took their burden.

“Look, there down the block, the feet of one who brings good news!” (Nahum 1: 15)

Turn your debt aversion into a possible credit card conversion!

“The very first service which my youthful heart rendered to Christ was the placing of tracts in envelopes, and then sealing them up, that I might send them. I might have done nothing for Christ if I had not been encouraged by finding myself able to do a little. Then I sought to do something more, and I do not doubt that many servants of God have been led on to higher and nobler labours for their Lord, because they begin to serve Him in the right spirit and manner.” —Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892)
(Thanks to Alan Hamblin for this idea.)
Read about another creative use of Gospel tracts here.

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  1. Reply


    Another thought. If we all started to do this and send in tracts instead of the app do you think it would be strong enough to slow the volume of junk they send out to people who might be tempted to take on more debt? After all if they are spending a lot of time opening gospel tracts they woudln’t have time to do anything else. We might be able to kill two birds with one stone. Spread the gospel and thwart the work of those who prey on those who are weak with money.

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