Our Church’s Youngest Teenage Street Preacher

The Peter of 2000 years ago had a crowd of thousands when he gave his first open air sermon and 3,000 were saved on that day. Another Peter, Peter Johnson, 16-years-old and a recent graduate of Hope Chapel’s evangelism class, preached his first open air sermon to a crowd of hundreds at the 2009 Academy Awards, and no one got saved that day, apparently; yet the message was preached powerfully, boldly, effectively—and God used it for his glory!

In the 4 minute video below, you will see Peter’s second sermon, because our intrepid cameraman had the video camera on pause. Also, pay no attention to the funny-looking guy who is sporting a speaker on his head.

***To see the sermon I preached on the same day (using a little lame stand-up humor) click here!***

Comments (9)

  1. John Weber


    Great Job, It is great to see young people taking the reins and giving it all they have. I,m proud of you.

  2. Reply

    Peter,I know you do not preach for the prasies of men. BUt you are an encouragement. Contine to preach till your last breath and grow in grace.

    Now go light the Darkness!
    David Day

  3. Paul Latour


    Brother Peter,

    You preached like you had something important to say. You did! And you did so well amidst the distractions of a moving congregation, busyness, noise and a weird looking guy with a funny hat standing next to you.

    I praise the Lord for young men like you, sir. Carry on soldier! This is just the beginning of your frontline work and AMEN to that!

  4. Rightous Richard


    Hey that brother is way too young to be preaching the word with so much truth and power. That was really encouraging to see and hear! But, who was that man that was putting his hands on him and wispering in his ears! Must have been some up start hoping he can get a chance to preach to all those lost souls. You know I don’t know if C. Spurgeon ever open-air’d??


  5. Reply

    Wow, I thank God for Peter. He was very clear and got right to the point. I hope my own children have such a heart for the lost when they get to be Peter’s age.

    God bless you!

  6. Reply

    A natural raised evangelist. I was surprized to see how good he was too; definately better that I did my first run. Shows real fruit from growing from home. Awsome.

  7. Jason


    I also think he did a great job. I am surprised at how calm he seemed, and the pace of his speaking seemed good too. I’ve never open air preached, but when I gave a message in jail once they said I spoke to quickly, so I think he did a great job. Its awesome to see him getting out and loving the Lord and obeying at such a young age too! Hopefully this will also inspire many others.

    Can all of the videos etc. on this site be played to the congregation at church? I’d like to use snippets at different services to try to help motivate and educate the people, plus just another way to get the gospel to those who come who aren’t yet born again.

    Thanks much! – jason

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