Martyrs: Students at Georgia Tech

Ruth Malhotra and Orit Sklar, unleashed all the worst furies of the campus elite when they stood up in support of their faith and their conservative views on the campus of Georgia Tech.

The two united in their vocal opposition to the school’s ironclad speech codes, which severely curtailed any student conversation, publications, events, or activities administrators arbitrarily deemed “intolerant.” The codes banned free exchange of ideas except in very limited areas of campus, denied student activity funds to clubs and organizations that engaged in ‘religious activities,’ and officials even instituted a program, “Safe Space,” designed to demonize anyone or any group that considered homosexual behavior immoral.

When Ruth and Orit asked the Alliance Defense Fund to sue Georgia Tech on their behalf, they found themselves mocked, cursed, defamed on posters, and threatened with rape and even murder. University officials offered virtually no protection or support, so outside police were assigned to protect the girls for the duration of their time on campus.

The young women’s courage was rewarded when Georgia Tech became the first major university in the country to have its speech code declared in violation of the First Amendment – a crucial legal precedent that has forced other schools around the country to abandon their similar speech codes and free speech oppressions.

Read more by clicking here.

Comments (15)

    • Reply

      Here’s how misters Merriam and Webster define Martyr:

      1 a person who voluntarily suffers death as the penalty of witnessing to and refusing to renounce a religion
      2 a person who sacrifices something of great value and especially life itself for the sake of principle
      3 victim; especially : a great or constant sufferer

      Did you have your own definition that you’d like to add?

      • As well, martyr simply means “witness.”

        Thanks Glenn! And great job handing out the fairy tale book on Georgia Tech.

        This may be old news, but it’s new to many!

      • No, martyr most certainly does not mean “witness”. That, right there, is the etymological fallacy.

        Sorry, I’m a linguistics geek. I can’t help myself.


  1. Reply

    I guess the law suit worked! The ADF filed it in 2006, and in 2009 during the Darwin book giveaway we open-air preached on the Georgia Tech campus. We also hung out for several hours giving away the books and talking with people. There were no caustic atheist hecklers, and people were quite civil.

  2. Reply

    Aw, cute, isn’t it?

    which severely curtailed any student conversation, publications, events, or activities administrators arbitrarily deemed “intolerant.”


    in·tol·er·ant adj.
    Not tolerant, especially:
    a. Unwilling to tolerate differences in opinions, practices, or beliefs, especially religious beliefs.
    b. Opposed to the inclusion or participation of those different from oneself, especially those of a different racial, ethnic, or social background.
    c. Unable or unwilling to endure or support: : intolerant of interruptions; a community intolerant of crime.

    Yeah, aside from the whole “projection” issue here, what’s “arbitrary” about that?

  3. Nohm


    Hi Steve,

    1. Any reason why you didn’t credit the site that you copied and pasted the text from?

    2. I completely support their right to free speech, including their opinions on gay people. I support this right because it’s important to me to know who the idiots are in this world, and they help me out by making it clear as day who they are.

    3. This is really old news.

    • Nohm


      Regarding #1, yes, I realize that you put a link at the bottom of the expanded post for the source, but I find it strange that you don’t mention that at the beginning of the post, which I view as a more standard way of crediting one’s source(s).

  4. RyanShirtz


    Awesome Christian women!

    It just shows the power of faith in the face of this hyprocritical moral relativistic culture we are sinking into.

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