Let Me Feature Your Evangelism Blog

About a month ago I put out a call for all those who have an evangelism blog or website to leave me a comment telling me about it so I can feature it on my blog; I was happy to get 15 responses!

As you know, all sorts of exciting things happen when we share our faith, and everybody should write something about it so others may be encouraged and exposed to the benefits of evangelistic faithfulness. Unfortunately, as I explored some of these blogs, I could not figure out who authored them, or all I was given was a first name, and I had no picture of the blogger. Also, the mission of some of the blogs was at times unclear.

So let me revise the rules.

If you’d like to have your evangelism blog featured and then placed in the sidebar of StoneThePreacher (where you will earn “hit credits”), then here’s what you need to do. In the comments section of this post:

  1. Give the name of your evangelism blog (it’s okay if it is mostly evangelistic).
  2. State your full name.
  3. Give the Mission Statement of your blog.
  4. Give me a link to an image of you. (You really should have all four of these on your blog!)
  5. And of course, the link to your site.

Please post this info in the comments section (even if you posted before), and I’ll get to featuring your noble efforts soon.

Click here to see an example of how I featured my friend Paul Latour’s blog: The Word Street Journal.

Comments (12)

  1. Reply

    It’s Tracy Wagman from Tacklebox for Fishing again. I just wanted to give you the heads up that I have been using my blog for prayers for my son, who is suffering a bacterial staph infection. Also I have been featuring several salvation testimonies. On the sidebar above the picture of the tacklebox feature some of my favorite evangelistic posts. Click the titles and it will bring you to the links.

  2. Reply


    Robert Tewart

    This blog exists to encourage and prepare Christians to share the Gospel effectively and biblically. We include photos and audio in most posts, so please enjoy, and take advantage of what you can learn here. We also post a variety of articles related to the church in America, but the heart of this ministry is evangelism. (From my sidebar–where it oughta be–ahem)

    Photo is at the top right hand sidebar at http://www.streetfishing.org

  3. Reply

    1. the caudill blog – evangelism – sowing the seeds of the gospel John 4:29
    2. Laura Caudill
    3. For 20 years of being a Christian and most of those years being lukewarm I decided it was a miserable way to live. After I heard Hell’s Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort, I became convicted in my soul and this ignited a burning fire in my heart which became a springboard that catapulted me into conferences through Living Waters where I learned how to share my faith with others.
    I preach Christ and Him crucified using the law to convert the soul and convict the conscience. I preach repentance, and hell. I am not a hell-fire preacher as I believe that kind of preaching produces false converts and bitterness. Evangelism is not easy for me but I do it because hell is very real and it is not God’s desire that anyone should go there.
    I want others to have their names written down in God’s book of life and spend eternity with Him. I once heard an atheist, J. Penn, on youTube say,
    “How much do you have to hate somebody to believe everlasting life is possible and not tell them that?”
    My mission with this site is to be an encouragment to others who share their faith with others as I have been encouraged by those who are going before me.
    God bless you and be assured that whenever you are nervous to hand out a gospel tract or share your faith then God can use you and His word will not return to Him void. God bless you.

    4. http://thecaudillblog.blogspot.com

  4. Reply

    Hi, Steve. I found this post while googling for other evangelism blogs. I have been following yours for over a year and a half now. I joined the Bezeugen Tract Club through your blog. Along with the blog that I have, I post on the As You Go blog from Bezeugen. My name is Scott Thompson. My blog is called Soul-Winning In North Louisiana @ http://seekingforsouls.blogspot.com
    I don’t have too many pictures of myself on the blog, but I now have one my profile. The mission of my blog is to encourage other Christians in reaching out to the lost through evangelizing with Gospel tracts and having conversation with the lost about the state of their souls. Since I have been blogging and passing out tracts like the ones from Bezeugen & the million dollar bill, my desire to evangelize has increased tremendously! I have been encouraged by your blog, also. I appreciate your evangelism efforts. Thanks and God Bless!

    • Reply

      Well, thanks a lot, Scott! I sometimes wonder if anyone reads my blog except for an atheist or two. I haven’t done this feature in a while, but I may restart it again in the New Year, along with a few other ideas. God bless your work, my friend!

  5. Reply

    “Evangelism & Witnessing”—>Sharing whatever happens in my outreaches and day to day experiences talking to people about Jesus, both door -to-door & in the public square.

    Mission is to mainly be a blog that other Christians can read and get encouraged about stepping out to share their faith with others. This is mainly through “one-on -one” conversations, instead of “preaching”to people en masse.
    website link: mailmanpat.blogspot.com
    photo of me: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Luu66Bw53pA/TF-VYJhASRI/AAAAAAAAAAs/euBkIERCNmA/S220/Patrick777.jpg

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