E-vangie Tales #66 “Stiffneck by the Sea”

The nerve! This guy claimed to be without sin, but was a big, fat liar…

I walked along the Redondo Beach pier with my daughters and we stopped at the Corndog on a Stick stand to give the owner a million bucks and ask about his eternal destiny. He answered that he’d go to heaven because he was a good person.

“So God will let you in?” I asked.

“Yes,” he said as he wiped down a counter distractedly.

“What do you think the Bible says?” I continued.

“Doesn’t matter. I don’t believe the Bible; it was written by men. In fact, I think that people who talk about the Bible are not good people. That book is just a bunch of opinions.” He cleaned and dusted but wouldn’t look me in the eye.

“I believe the Bible. Let me ask you a few questions. Have you ever lied?”


“Really? Never?” Again he said no. “Ever stolen anything?”

“Nope. Never,” he stated flatly.


“Never have.”

“How about using God’s name in vain? Have you ever said ‘Oh G-o-d!’ or ‘Jesus Christ?'”

“Never. I told you I was a great person!”

“If you sin just one time you will have to pay for that sin for all eternity in hell.”

“I don’t believe it. If you do what’s right and just live in harmony with everyone that’s all that matters.” He slid the million dollar bill back over the counter to me.

“No.You take it,” I insisted. “It’s yours to keep.”

“Don’t need it,” he protested. “Take it back.” I did. And I didn’t give him the good news either. Why waste my time with an arrogant, prideful corndog on a stick vendor? He had no need for a Savior because he was sinless.

As we walked away, my 6-year old spoke up, “He wasn’t a very good person, was he Daddy?”


Was I right in withholding the gospel from this man? What would you have done?

Comments (6)

  1. Zelda Cratchmeyer


    I woild have done the same because this person was bent on his answers
    and would not be proven wrong probably if Christ Himself asked the same questions! As “that Bible” states in Romans, some are already destined to hell before birth and he could be one of those.
    Pushing any further would have only proven his arrogance and pride to be stronger. By not looking you in the eye shows no conscience, no contact, no nothing! Poor guy had to have been injured or abused pretty badly to have been so turned off and so ademently opposed. How sad!!!

  2. Reply

    I just had a similar incident at the Redondo Beach Pier. I offered a couple walking by a million dollar tract, which they refused. I proceeded to ask where they would go if they died right now. Both said “HEAVEN”. I asked how did they know.The man rudely answered, “That is very personal” I said, Really? Do you read the bible? He emphatically blurted Yes!! And there are two things I do not discuss- religion, and politics!! I very calmly and politely informed him that my bible teaches me that Jesus expects a person who is saved to tell others about Him. I refused to make any furthur comments, as they angrily walked away. They each individually would tip the scale at over 350 pounds, so I decided it was not a good idea to throw any more pearls for them to trample. I do pray they would wake up though, and familiarize themselves with God’s words, or they could be very surprised on judgement day!

  3. Reply

    I just had a similar incident at the Redondo Beach Pier. I offered a couple walking by a million dollar tract, which they refused. I proceeded to ask where they would go if they died right now. Both said “HEAVEN”. I asked how did they know.The man rudely answered, “That is very personal” I said, Really? Do you read the bible? He emphatically blurted Yes!! And there are two things I do not discuss- religion, and politics!! I very calmly and politely informed him that my bible teaches me that Jesus expects a person who is saved to tell others about Him. I refused to make any furthur comments, as they angrily walked away. They each individually would tip the scale at over 350 pounds, so I decided it was not a good idea to throw any more pearls for them to trample. I do pray they would wake up though, and familiarize themselves with God’s words, or they could be very surprised on judgement day!

  4. Reply

    I went to a Hindu celebration last week, at a High School in Artesia. The schoolground was packed with people, and lots of vendors.One hindu gentleman was using a great big loudspeaker advertising his product. I asked if I could borrow his loud speaker for a minute to announce a message. He asked what was the message. I told him it is a gospel message of salvation. He told me he is also a christian, and agreed to let me use his speaker. I was able to deliver the full gospel message. I believe this was really a divine appointment, because of all the people I gave out tracts to, and spoke to, he was the only christian. Everyone else was Hindu.
    I have been praying for boldness to address large crowds-and so reach a lot more people in less time. This has been my boldest, and most intimidating effort so far. I lived through it, so I feel a lot more encouraged. It must be coming from the Lord, because I am very shy, timid, and dread being the focus of attention. As much as I try to talk myself out of preaching the word, that inner voice keep telling me- there are billions of people out there headed for hell. It is not about my discomfort, or nervousness, or being mocked, and looking stupid. I must warn them before it is too late!-or how can I say the love of God dwells in me. I believe that with practice, I will get to be more comfortable doing it. Can anyone identify with these feelings. I would like some feedback.
    Amen, God bless you.

  5. Reply

    Thank you for this posting! Just yesterday, I was doing a one2one with my one of my neighbors, the lady said that she repented and was going to heaven but still thought she was a good person. I pointed out to her that those two opinions contradict themselves, and told her that we couldn’t bribe a judge to get out of a crime, and neither could her “good” behavior get her to heaven. I didn’t share the gospel with her, but left her with the tract. As I walked away, I wasn’t sure I had done the right thing by not sharing the gospel. What do you think Pastor Steve?

  6. Bizzle



    It’s funny you mentioned bribing a judge. One was arrested in PA about a month ago now for accepting bribes…

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