E-vangie Tales #31 Reminding Pastor Jeff

Sometimes a whole day can pass by without any opportunities to give the Gospel to an unbeliever because I’m holed up in the office or inside my home. What should I do then?

I could shout on a street corner, “REPENT!” Then duck for cover…

I could force a conversation with my neighbor: “Hi Bill. I’m Steve, your neighbor down the block. Sorry to interrupt your dinner but can I ask you a question? IF YOU WERE TO DIE TODAY WOULD YOU GO TO HEAVEN OR HELL?”

Or, I could pray for telemarketers to call, but that would be putting God to the test…

What I did last week was take advantage of a natural opportunity at our “For Men Only” event. I saw my friend and co-worker, Pastor Jeff Lewis, staring off into space so I interrupted him, “Hey Jeff. Jesus died for your sins, was buried for three days and rose again.”

He replied, “That doesn’t count!”

Now Jeff is indeed “born-again” and evidences much fruit in his ministry, so I didn’t say this because I wasn’t sure. Nor did I say this to bug him and make him think that I thought he wasn’t saved. Nor did I do it as a joke. I said this because I wanted to keep getting the word out there even if I have no opportunity to tell an unbeliever.

We as Christians have a ministry of reminding.
“So I will always remind you of these things, even though you know them and are firmly established in the truth you now have. I think it is right to refresh your memory as long as I live in the tent of this body…” (2 Peter 1:12-13)

And it’s always good to be reminded of the wonderful things God has done on our behalf through His Son JesusChrist. It reminds us to be thankful.

What do you think? Does it count to give the Gospel to a believer? [email protected]

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